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Image Comments posted by john_cyr1



    I'm on the fence on this photo. It was rescued by a poorly exposed

    shot that had enough potential to attempt the rescue. Mostly just

    levels, curves and color adjustments here. I would just like to know

    if you think the shot works or not. Thank you!

    Zt 285


    1. The lighting is very effective and I think someone already commented on the skin tones being perfect and I'd agree.


    2. I'm not really a fan of the composition. I think judging from your other photos that you aren't afraid to break traditional composition rules and for the most part it really works. What I don't necessarily like here is the framing of the shot that cuts out the top of the window in order to display the white wall below. The white wall is almost completely white, which is very distracting, almost as if the window were hanging in the air. I do really like the lines of the shutters leading you to the center, which is great though. I would have liked to see the top of the window I think.


    Although it's a very nice nude photo, my favorite part of it is her hair and how it shapes her face. Very interesting (almost lioness-like? in style and with how she is posed).



    porto tolle


    Great looking scene, very atmospheric with the haze and soft colors. My only critique is the composition where you have the horizon line at the center. Setting it in the lower or upper third of the photo might have made it more dynamic. But that's just a loose composition rule, so your photo doesn't suffer much (if at all) from not aderhing to it.




  1. This was just a sudden idea while on a boat in Provincetown Harbor.

    Seemed like a good shot (several drinks in) to frame within the rope.


    The question is, do you think this framing is interesting or not? I

    think without the rope it's a fairly mediocre photograph of a

    lighthouse landscape with a bland sk.


    Thanks for looking!



    Curious to know if this is sharp enough on the edges of her face, or

    if it works being a little soft. Any comments of any kind are very

    appreciated :) Thanks!

    Ball of Fire

    good idea, though the lighting is too obviously fake. You couldn't have a sun that bright, and then a pre-dawn (or twilight) landscape. You'd be better off having the sun setting and illuminating the trees in the background.
  2. Just played a bit with some saturation/hue levels in PS. I didnt

    really want just a grayscale image with yellow apples, so I isolated

    everything around the apples and manipulated it with colorization in

    PS. But that's a real baby. Those are fake apples :)


    Any thoughts on whether the coloring works or would you think Sepia or

    flat-out grayscale would be better? Thanks in advance to all those

    replying or rating.

  3. I like the shot, especially the pose of the model, but I had no idea that was a balloon until you pointed it out. I thought it might have just been a filled oval from Photoshop. It might be better if there were more tonal ranges in the balloon to give it depth and sense of being round. Good shot nonetheless though!

    Marcus & Sarah

    I like it. I think you should try doing a crop, maybe to landscape to bring the couple in closer. Not sure if that would be a better photo or not, but it might be worth trying.
  4. Hi there, this is my first post and first photo I've posted on the

    web for critique. I have no formal training, so I'm trying to get an

    idea of ways I can improve technical aspects of my photos, especially

    concerning composition and exposure. Any thoughts would be very



    Thank you,


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