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rob t.

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Posts posted by rob t.

  1. I have a 1280 and I love it. However, I should state that I use it solely for B&W printing using the MIS UT2 inkset, with a CFS system.


    Their are curves made specifically for the 1280 using the UT2 inks that allow you to get prints anywhere from somewhat cool prints, to neutral, "Selenium", to the warmer sepia tones.


    The quality using the 1280 is fantastic.


    I am sure that the 2200 would give fantastic results as well, but I can't imagine them being much better than what the 1280 does for much less money.


    Again, the above only applies to black and white printing.


    Good luck.

  2. I have been playing with my new Nikon Coolscan V for the past week

    or so. I am new to the digital darkroom, and I have been very

    impressed so far! I am using a Epson 1280 with the MIS UT2 inks

    (CFS) as I still love Black and White photography.


    It seems that many people prefer using Vuescan instead of the OEM

    software that came with their scanner. I am curious as to what

    advantages Vuescan has, particularly vs. Nikon Scan 4.0. Nikon Scan

    4.0 does have curves and several other useful tools. So, what

    advantages would Vuescan have over Nikon Scan 4.0?


    Thanks in advance.

  3. I went through the exact same decision four weeks ago!


    As many others have said, both are great cameras and it comes down largely to ergonomics, and that's something you have to decide on your own after putting both of them through their paces.


    I did this, and TO ME, the Nikon F100 had much better ergonomics than the Canon EOS 3, so that was my decision. It is an amazing camera, and I am extremely happy with my decision.


    Good luck with your choice, and HAVE FUN!

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