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Image Comments posted by way_the_keyed

    Self Portrait

    great shot, carey. this is very uplifting for me, since i have a 50mm getting shipped to me now. my very first prime lens, and i'm a little nervous. i was worried that maybe a 50 was too short to do decent portraits, but this is a great shot. consider my nerves calmed down slightly.
  1. Near our camp at Indian Creek, UT. Hand-held this shot while the

    other guys were cooking breakfast. Don't worry, I took my turn the

    next morning. Thanks in advance for comments.



    your best shot in this folder! what's better than leaves and rocks? i think you should experiment with shooting from a different angle (to avoid having your own reflection in the picture) and maybe try a polarizer to cut down on glare.


    but this proves it! you do use that camera! keep it up!



    i would almost blow this up and hang it in my living room (oops...my mother's living room). i think you could benefit from a different angle that doesn't include the foreground leaves. maybe a little closer?





    there is a section of this that i really like. if it were mine, i would crop heavily (from his left hand to the top left corner of the drapes or so) to make this look more planned instead of a snapshot that went wrong. sorry, i don't mean to be rude. i just really don't like the black walls on the left and right 1/4s of the frame.



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