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Image Comments posted by sallymckay-lepage

    heavy morning


    It's always a pleasure reading your comments. I'm glad this one is able to reach you on some level. That communication is after all exactly what it is all about. Isn't it?



    heavy morning


    Hey Sarah thanks for having a look.


    Carl, I can't do much about the room at the top as the original was cropped slightly from the left. I can however adjust the amount of texture in the red. Thanks for the suggestions.



  1. Before this photo became a POW I commented on its archaic sensibility. I'll

    elaborate here. How ironic is it that a pile of porcelain bowls sits at rest no

    longer useful upon a sand basin surrounded by water? I find the imagery

    powerful and unique not to mention profound. As for its aesthetics value to

    each her own. Personally, I find beauty in that which stretches my idealism.

    Again, well done Johannes.



    Ghetto Fabulous


    Supposing the boarded windows are actually those colours I find this a fine example of hypocrisy. Why go to the trouble of dressing up a building that either no one wants or no one is allowed to want? In this economy it gives window dressing a whole new meaning. Great photo ...love to see more.(6/6)



  2. Interesting you posted this image today considering London just launched it's new stock exchange building with the unvieling of "The Source"; an art work consisting of something very similar to these balls. I would have provided a link but I couldn't find one. Very cool shot...almost cartoon like.



    crowded faces


    Hi Liv. So you want more information but not enough to define the meaning completely. Boy you don't want much do ya! Always a problem Liv for me anyway.


    Do you recognize the subject at all? If you did you might make the connection. Maybe it's not worth another try...who knows but thanks for lookin'.




    California Street


    Adrian, holy verticals! Really well done i think. My only suggestion would be to fade out the tree line above the bridge....burn it into the sky or something like that. Neat.



  3. Anyone seen Michael Moore's latest "Fahrenheit 911"?


    Here's what's neat about this image. The actual stars are uniform, row upon row having equal distance between them. Their reflection is in reality uniform also but appears slightly askew because of the granite floor tiles and grout as they shift presumably to create a pattern within a curve or circle. Confused? Well so am I. I thought Bush made beer. Well not really. Neat image PT.





    I think we often become too invested in certain images. For me the reflected building is interesting but truely isn't the star of this image. I sometimes try taking away from the original until I get what I think best represents my initial intention for the shot. I'm sure this image has many more possibilities PT. Well seen.






    Hi Else. Very creative. As you know I'm a little preoccupied with that which is domestic so this one truely connects for me. As Knicky commented on earlier, the necklace image is very strong. I wonder if this imagery could symbolize something more ? Very well done indeed! 6/7 or 7/6 can't remember :)



    Shoe Lady


    I may be fishing here Darrell but I find the lights at the top of the stair problematic because they seem to distract from from the subject. Perhaps toning them down or fading them out altogether would be of benifit? Regardless the image is charming. I particularly appreciate how all the various rows of shoes seem to converge at her as if obediently waiting for her to allow someone to buy them. Interesting culture. She on the other hand seems far more interested in her paper .





    Hey Knicki interesting alias. I guess I haven't been up to much lately. Having a bit of a down time creatively. Not sure what's causing it I'm just trying to work my way through it. Thanks for stopping.


    Dana the blender is sitting on a laminate countertop. The sun was very strong from the upper left and created these wonderful reflections through the glass. Glad you appreciate them like I do. the effect is from the inversion. See ya round.





    Ah, the ratings game. What a joke. 4/4 ......Why? Obviously a much better photo than currently rated. Great use of texture....the weave of the hat, the stipple of the beard, the coarsness of the hair above the ear, the tonal range in the skin.... all set against the flat black of the background. well done. My only suggestion would be to tone down the refection in the eye itself. just my preference.





    I've tried commenting on this one three times already and deleated the lot. Why? Because in each case I failed to do the image justice. Quite simply this is a great photo. Okay...I'll give it another go. The three silhouetted figures really tell the story don't they. Each gazing out into the parking plot, waiting, but perhaps more importantly to the theme reflecting on their respective journeys. The insertion of the text from the monitor is a great way to cue the story without the obvious visual. The subtle light lines of the monitor add a curious grid both asthetically and conceptually as if suggesting a flight map or radar screen. The passing car, the other figure walking away, the parked cars and even the distant trees all elements which give the image a sense of depth and space suggesting the long wait. Great idea PT. One of my favorites!





    Sorry to Stephen and mondiani for not having responded before now. Better late than never I guess. Stephen i will upload the original whan I find it! Ah, the messy mind and an even messier system of disorganization. Thanks to both for commenting.


    Hi Else. Originally I wanted to just give his face some definition. After a while I started to see something more interesting emerge. I guess it does have a wax effect. Thanks for coming by and commenting.



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