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Image Comments posted by zaan

    windy day

    So much background... the entire picture is nothing but shades of one color. Don't get me wrong. It's a nice view of the bird, but perhaps the bird should be cropped more tightly.



    Wonderful image. Fascinated me thoroughly as it loaded in my browser.


    The only thing where I could see some improvement is in the background. The grid of the canvas or cloth on which the face is lain is quite sharp and a little distracting.


    To be even better, and more deserving of the nomenclature 'abstract' I feel a tighter crop would be advisable. Specifically, I feel that the (small parts of the) boats at the top and top right should be removed so that only the reflections of the masts would remain. After that, something could perhaps be done to the light and color. Some more contrast (highlights stronger, shadows deeper) would make the masts stand out more, and that would be, imho, be a good thing.


    This image is wonderful and very original. Bokeh smooth as cream. Sharpness in the reflection. Originality: 7, Aesthetics: 6 (I feel the knob could perhaps be framed a little more prominently in the image).
  1. The image (imho) suffers from having the mountain 'boxed in' too much. Looking at the picture, I immediately wonder what the view to left and right edges is like. A wider shot would have been preferable.


    Also, the sky (esp. in the left) is blown out way too much and distracting. Moreover, as a result of this, the camera had problems correctly rendering the contrast in the mountain.


    To end, I would probably suggest cutting off the edge of the river (?) bank visible under left. It doesn't add much to the photo, except for (again, imho) a feeling that not enough thought went into framing the picture.


    I hope you find these remarks constructive.

  2. Trying to get acquainted with my new Canon Digital Ixus 400, I set out with it and one of

    those gimmicky micro-tripods to capture some long exposed shots. I waited a while for a

    car to pass for this shot, but I may as well not have, seeing it is of minor effect. The shot

    was exposed 10 seconds, right after sundown. The sky was a lot darker to the eye than it

    shows here. To me, the picture definitely shows the promise that my new Ixus (known as

    the Powershot S400 to Americans) holds. Razor sharp and noise 100% absent (I set it at

    ISO 50 though), and amazing color (I nearly didn't have to touch levels in Photoshop)

    What do you think?

    backed up

    Very nice picture! Gave it 6/6 but I could've gone for 7/6. I'm not too fond of your frame though. The drop shadow is a bit of an unnecessary detraction, and your copyright statement is a bit big/obtrusive. Both things luckily don't spoil your picture.


    I gave it a 3/3 which is perhaps too harsh. Aesthetically: the background is drawing my eye too much, to the point even where it gets physically unpleasant to watch the picture. Originality: a traditional macro shot of a nicely shaped fungus (by which I don't mean to imply that such shots, though unoriginal, can not be aesthetically pleasing).
  3. I'm a sucker for this line-game. I gave the picture 6/7, because somehow, I feel there may have been a way to frame better (maybe including the ceiling of the staircase hall?). 7 on originality because you have definitely 'seen' the picture here.
  4. I enjoy the 'spiel' of lines and fundamental shapes in the pictures. However, I feel that it is not 'simple' enough. There is too much visual overload for the picture to work (as intended?), and there are too many (clashing?) colors.
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