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Posts posted by buns

  1. Jeffrey-

    Unfortunetly, I think your price is more than what she was looking for. Your talent is wonderful and I bet you do very well. She is getting her dress from Davids Bridal and we have not chosen a caterer yet. She is allergic to dairy and wheat and other things, so we have to be careful. Was thinking of doing a strawberry and multiple dips instead of a wedding cake. But we'll see. Thank you very much for your offer though and best wishes!

  2. I am not in VA. Actually, none of us are. My sister in law will be moving to VA once her husband finishes his pilots training. Then they will move there. The wedding will be with in a couple months of them moving there. So I'm kind of flying blind.. only have driven through Roanoke. I'm some what clsoe though.. I'm in NC heh.


    However, I think I might have a winner. Just waiting to hear from my sister in law.

  3. Bill-

    Of course there is. But it starts there for people on a budget. If the price matches.. then I look at the quality. If the two do not match together, then it is not a match for us. I would spend way to much time looking at the thousands of wedding photographers photos and get way to excited about how great they are.. to only be dissapointed when I find out I can not afford them. The two go together hand in hand. Just looking for the right match.

  4. You would have to have seperate contracts. Stating something like the photos are not a result of your company and are soley a referal program and your company would not be liable for bad photos and what not. You would seriously have to look into their experience and their own portfolios and show at least a sample to prospective brides. I am also going to be planning my sister in laws wedding.. however I will not be the photographer. The two have to be seperate. You would have to put your photography experience aside and not get in the way of the photographer. However, how you plan to run your business with photography is souly up to you and the photographer. Combining the two would incorporate your business. I would talk with a lawyer before making any final decisions.
  5. Well I just got a call from the bride wondering if the photos we're ready!! lol.. sheesh. Told her it will take time haha.


    Thank you both for your kind words. I have a new found respect for pro wedding photographers haha. I think with the right equipment and the knowledge I gained, I could do it again with better results. Especially with a more organized event. However, not ready any time soon haha. The mother of the bride wants me to do her wedding. I did not say yay or nay. She wants a costume wedding which would be fun, and on the coast of NC. But again, I need a way better camera for that haha. And I don't think it will be free haha. But that will have to wait for now.


    A funny thing did happen. The sister of the groom apparently was the one who asked me if she could see the photos because she might want to purchase some. She asked me this while I was taking photos, so with out looking at her I just simply said that I will be giving the photos to the mother of the bride and that she will be delegating them out from there. Apparently that ticked her off! LOL I thought that was funny.


    Here is a question- I have been looking at the olympus evolt 10mp DSLR. I don't have the money for it, nor will I any time soon, but was wondering if it is an accaptable camera for weddings? I like the features and it would be great for my type of photography, but wasn't sure if it is up to the task for weddings. Any thoughts?


    Thanks again! And if anyone wants to volunteer to help me out of some photos, just shoot me an email and I'll email you some photos I need help on. Dark images that I'm trying to lighten up.. from real dark.. is a hard one. Been putting them in sophia tone.. but grrr. still not good.

  6. Ok. Needless to say, it was a state of complete chaos! Not only did my butt get chewed at by the grooms mother for the positions and what not I wanted them to stand in (this is the rehearsal), but my position in the wedding.. well had some added duties instead of just photographer. I turned into the wedding planner, coordinator, make up artist, flower arranger, hair designer, psychologist, and maitron of Honor (in a non official way of course). oh not to mention the mediatory between the two families who apparently HATE eachother! I mean oh my God!!! I could not believe it! I have never seen nor heard of such an unorganized wedding! Besides the officiant, I was the only other working person there. The officiant couldn't handle the family or anything, so after the ceremony, he LEFT! He pretty much said f this and walked away heh.


    I kept a smile on my face.. and had everything that I was now doing, run as smooth as possible. However, the mother of the groom, and that party had other ideas. I was suppose to have two hours before the wedding for photos. Instead, I had to tell people to get dressed! Had to put make up on the bride, I mean everything the maid of honor should have been doing, but she was upset that she had to wear a dress! I tell everyone after they were all ready to go upstairs for some single photos of the bride and group photos with the bridal party. After getting everything set uip, and them actually getting upstairs, it was time for the ceremony! I tried to get them up there too. Don't know what was going on. Then they practicly ran down the isle, and the whole thing was very fast.we're talking about a 10 minute ceremony. So try to go outside to get formals, well a family member decided that I din't need to post anyone, that he'd do it and take the photos as well. He wouldn't move, so I had to take photos else where. OH and then they were off again. I'm talking no time to change the settings from inside to outside.


    At the end, I told the bride and groom who were leaving just an hour after the ceremony that they needed some time with me if they wanted any photos at all. So then I dragged them to a beautiful area in the shade to get some nice photos. Of course they didn't leave me with any more time then 10 minutes then either. So most of my weddign party photos are overexposed. I'm really upset at it. I did get a few good shots.. but not great. I believe the camera could have done a better job, had I had any time at all. I had people telling me how thankful they were of me and such, telling me that they wre sorry for how it was gong and what not.. but I'm just sorry their wedding and the photos weren't very important to anyone for anyone to enjoy. It's a shame. The wedding was at 2pm, and the B&G left at 4pm. two hours from the begginning to the end. I just hope that all my extra "duties" took some stress away from the bride adn groom and I hope they didn't feel the chaos that was going on. They called me twice since theyleft the church to tell me thank you. So if anything, I did something good and helpful for them. I am still working on the photos in photo shop. Just doing what I can. I'll post some up here soon. I might post some originals to see if any of you can do anything with them. Some could be good.. but I'm stumped.


    Oh and no one told me you needed to be a marathon runner to be a wedding photographer! LOL.. My legs are sooo sore, and my feet hurt! LOL


    THank you again everyone!

  7. Bueh- Thank you very much.. and I'm sorry for saying my fuji is a dslr.. didn't mean to add the d. Just read it so many times on this thread I guess it stuck. I do plan on upgrading to a better more pro camera.. once I win the lottery. Or my hubby gets stationed overseas again and we can afford to splurge a little. I have a whole list of items that I desperatly want to have. All will improve my photos drastically and I would have way more fun. Oh well.. until later on in my life I guess.


    Oh and I'd like to point out.. that no.. I do not plan on EVER using this camera for another wedding again. Not ever. Never planned on it or anything. So thanks to those who saw the need for advice once again. I appreciate it and have learned a lot!

  8. Nadine- Ok.. I might be a wedding photography dumby right now.. but not a photography dumby in total. Sheesh.. why on earth would I think that about my beloved fuji?? Holy cow. Some one is not reading very well today.


    Ok.. after I type this, I'm sure I will hear the cries of all wedding photographers out there. But my P&S 35mm Kodak Cameo motor EX. Surprisingly, it does take decent photos. However, there is no zoom, no correction of any sort. Definatly a P&S. This is my second camera that I have ever owned and I enjoyed it for many years. But now I love my fuji.. RIP. LOL Hopefully it can be raised from the dead again.


    Just to clear some things up for some of you. I will post a close to heart photo of mine that I took a little while ago with my fuji.. before it crapped out on me. Hopefully the whole thought of i'm an dumby and trying to do a wedding will dissapear from peoples heads.<div>00MuYf-39075284.JPG.ffacdc7b41bbb3d7d9a45015a888e212.JPG</div>

  9. Nadine- I came on this thread to get advice and what not FROM the pro's. If someone came to a thread for pro's on nature, or children, natural light.. and asked similar questions or what not.. I would not be negative in anyway and would just try to help as much as possible. Full knowledge that what they have is because of a fluke and what not.. I would not suggest buying a new camera or putting them down for that they have and trying to make the best of it. So as far as the "pros" go.. or at least a few of them... I'm not impressed with their photos really, nor their attitudes. However, what has come through it is wonderful photographers who are happy to help out a first timer in a bad situation. And frankly.. it showes in their photos. But that is ok. I've been on PN for many years now and have come a long way since my first photo. I have great respect for many photographers on here and I too try to help out "newbies" or anyone as much as possible. So I'm not upset or anything at those who show less than average manners. I'm just putting my focus on the better ones.
  10. I have 35mm experience. Some of the photos shown on my portfolio are just that. Some are from my point and shoot 35mm as well. I believe in photography.. other then wedding.. it is the photographer that makes the photos. Weddings I know is a whole new level. Not necessarily a higher lever of photography.. but a different one. Where it seems to be half photographer half equipment. I can not change the equipment. My fuji I love! But it is broken. Broke not that long after I agreed to do the wedding. So I'm stressed out because I'm in a new territory with out the equipment I know. But I will share what happens with everyone here who is interested and will love advice on what if anything will help improve any photos with my cheap dig camera that I barrowed. Positions for stairs infront of the church is appreciated as well. 4 people on grooms side, and 3 on brides. not even on both sides.. not sure what to do with that. you can see the church on my profile under serendipity photography. I took that photo with this cheap camera. please leave comments.
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