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Posts posted by ottocrat

  1. John, thank you, that little explanation has already helped me more than several months of experimentation on my own.


    "Just playing" is all well and good but unless I know what I'm doing then it's rather hit and miss and I can't reproduce good results on demand.


    I think I had misunderstood TTL-BL. I'm going to stick to 'plain' TTL in future for all but fill flash.

  2. In the year since I bought my D70 I really feel that my photography

    has progressed, but one area where I'm still not happy is flash

    photography. I bought the SB-600 back in January this year but to be

    honest I haven't really got the hang of it. I don't find the manual

    very enlightening. Can anyone recommend (or link to) a good guide to

    using a speedlight, written for the beginner, discussing exposure and

    how to configure both speedlight and the camera body? I usually have

    the SB600 set to TTL-BL using aperture priority on the body. I'm

    finding that most of my shots using flash are underexposed, but it's


  3. I think Steve Jobs' defensiveness on this point in a recent interview demonstrates that they fear that Intel OSX will find its way onto non-Apple hardware. Personally I think it's inevitable, on the other hand it will always be restricted to a relatively few hardcore hacker types. OSX is not about to be licensed to Dell, that's for sure.<br>


    Incidentally, there was a typo in your link - <a href="http://daringfireball.net/">fixed</a>.

  4. Not wishing to wade into any platform wars, but <a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1872175,00.asp">this recent column</a> by John Dvorak is rather telling. Now think what you like about Dvorak (actually I can't think of anything I like about Dvorak) but if he's moaning about the total <i>dominance</i> of the Mac in media circles then I think it's fair to say that, yes, it's still a major player in pro photo circles.
  5. Thanks everyone for this extremely useful discussion. I see the arguments though I can't

    help feeling that an open source solution is going to be preferable in the longer term, simply

    because with or without Adobe there's always going to be someone making a conversion tool

    for DNGs. With NEF and possible encryption, I'm a bit nervous that those files wouldn't be

    recoverable in a Nikon-less world. But I take the point that, at present, perhaps the jury's

    still out and maybe I should still wait a while.


    Space-wise, *sigh* yes it always boils down to more storage doesn't it? 1.5tb under my desk

    and I still don't seem to have enough.

  6. I'd like to convert my NEFs to DNG, for two reasons: (a) future-proofing, (b) to save space.

    The DNG files are slightly smaller than my NEFs and cumulatively that should save me a lot of

    space. Obviously with (b) in mind I would not be embedding the original raws and I would be

    deleting the original NEFs after conversion. Before I cross this digital Rubicon is there

    something I should know? Is there information in the NEF that won't be carried over to the

    RAW? Or is the smaller file size down to compression alone?

  7. Is this your first DSLR? It may be that you have unrealistic expectations. Could you post a crop of one of your photos at 100%? That would help others see whether you are indeed suffering from abnormal blurriness or whether it is normal. Also, can you access another lens? See what the results are like with a very sharp lens - you could invest in the very reasonable but ultra-sharp Nikkor 50mm 1.8 prime, for example.


    But the fact is that raw images from DSLRs are intentionally 'soft'-ish and you really do need to be shooting NEF and post-processing to maximise sharpness - the in-camera custom settings don't make a huge difference.

  8. If the reason you chose the D70s is the kit lens, then you've kind of answered your own question. :)


    I can't compare the two but the 18-70 kit really is as good as everyone says, I can't believe the Sigma will compare. You'd be far better off imho getting the Nikon kit zoom and then investing in a telezoom to cover the 70-200 plus range. You'll be wanting to go up from 125mm in any case, and you'll have less trouble finding/affording 70-xxx than 125-xxx.

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