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gene crumpler

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Posts posted by gene crumpler

  1. As an update, I attended John's advanced workshop in Nov. 04. I came home and promptly purchased a 4x5, lenses and enlarger.


    John's latest work blew me away!!!!!!


    Got to go to Wildcat hill for several hours. Saw Edwards Weston's darkroom and Kim Weston's darkroom. Got to handle Bret's prints from his Father's negatives. WOW!!!! For anyone visiting the area, Kim and his wife rent out a nice cottage at Wildcat Hill. I and my wife plan to stay there on our next trip to Northern California. I don't know if Kim provides any pointers for guests:>)

  2. I've carried the blad and the p67 on a neck stap in the field and my neck and back clearly favor the blad. Don't assume that everything you read is correct. Talk with some one who can make a real comparison, like some one who owns and uses all this stuff.
  3. This has been beat to death. Anyone that has some decent hasselblad equipment they want to "dump" give me a shout.


    I don't think that film is dead, there are some of us who will still do film. Digital is just too easy. Great for tourists, kids and high volume. This is great as photographers need to make more money. They are as a group one of the lowest incomes just ahead of actors and musicians. My parents were greatly relieved when I decided to study chemical engineering rather than being a photographer.


    Zeiss is coming out with the zeiss ikon camera this spring, initially as a film camera with high resolution lenses. Body by Cosina and the lenses based on their movie lens technolgy. I have been looking at gigbitfilm as a worthy new development. I've been talking with Delfot Ludwig the inventor of gigabitfilm, which is not retreaded agfa copy film, but a rather interesting new product. I will be publishing an evaluation of 35mm and 4x5 gigabitfilm as soon as I get access to a microscope with a D70. If I can get Ludwig to get his backers to produce gigabitfilm in 120 size we might see a little revival of MF B&W. I plan to buy the first roll of 120 film.

  4. I just finished John Sexton's advance printing workshop the last of November. I am in awe of the potential of 4x5 silver photography.

    Eleven of us were very lucky to view prints that will probabaly never be published in John's lifetime. He showed us a edition of prints that have a single printing and 2 artist proofs. He said this edition will probably fund his wife's and his retirement. No words to describe what I saw. I still get goose bumps thinking about what I saw!!!!

  5. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to the 500cm.


    I own most of the above cameras and the hassie is the best travel MF camera by far. Having the interchange backs is worth the price along.


    Pentax 6x7 is too big and heavy to haul around. The blad is just about the same size as your rolliecord(got one of those too). A bit heavier. If you are like most people you will fall in love with the blad. I own about 20 cameras and the blad is about all I use anymore.


    See my web site for my camera collection


  6. E-mail me if you have a copy you want to sell




    Bill-I still love the hassie and use it most of the time. I carry a 500cm, 80 and 150, 2 magazines when I travel!

    The image quality from Delta 100 comes up just a bit short in 16x20s

    I'm going to try ethol TEC to see if will help.


    SOB! Tech Pan is gone:>(


    I'm working on the inventor of gigabitfilm to put it out in 120 roll film, but economics is holding up his investor. I am in the process of doing my own evaluation of 35mm and 4x5 gigabitfilm. I plan to put up the results on my website after I do microphotographs of Delta 100, Tech Pan and gigabitfilm negatives. I'm trying in my own small way to encourage demand for this film.


    FWIW-Forget all the rumors and stuff you have read about gigiabitfilm. This is NOT copyfilm, but new technology. The inventor may be a day late and a dollar short in the face of the digital revolution. Maybe a solution to a problem that no longer exists.


    Ever I now own a digital camera. UGH!

  7. Well I worked for the Federal Government writing regulations for 29 years, and most stuff that comes out is subject to comment for at least 30 days before it is finalized. I have not researched this particular regulation or guidence, but at some point someone with some expertise was involved. Maybe just a lawyer. Rules of evidence and all that sort of thing. Maybe a judge in a federal court.


    Doing both film and digital for a few years, I'd personally be concerned about digitally captured images being presented in a court of law. I've been involve in litigation in the federal courts for at least 20 years. I don't think this has anything to do with the quality of the images. Some insight from an insider.

  8. Well after nearly 50 years, I'm diving into 4x5. I went to Sexton's

    advanced printing workshop in November of this year and I'm finally

    convinced to go back to 4x5. I hope to have an enlarger and camera by

    next week. So, is Strobel's View Camera Techniques still the best

    book on LF?


    Anybody using gigabitfilm?

  9. I came back for a minute. I'm in the process of testing 4x5 gigabitfilm. I hope to have a report up on my web site in a couple of weeks with micoscopic results, resolution tests, and discussions with the inventor.

    One thing I know for sure already is this is NOT retreaded copy film, but new technology. D-Max is only 1.65.

  10. Well, since I started this discussion, I just went back and pulled the lens/film tests for Tech Pan, Tmax 100 and Gigabitfilm. My scanner does not have the resolution to show this on line.

    Some one who lives near Durham, NC can come to my house and look at these tests.


    Here is what I have;


    Tech Pan shot with 80mm planar at f-11 on Hasselblad enlarged to 23 x 23inches.



    Tmax 100 shot with 80mm planar at f-11 on Hasselblad enlarged to 23x 23 inches.



    Gigabitfilm shot with 55mm 2.8 micro nikkor at f-11 on F-3 enlarged to 16x20 inches.




    Each print is enlarged to match the chart size on the print. So we have a fair 1:1 image size to compare .


    I?m looking at the prints with a 7x loupe.


    Here is how they stack up.


    120 Tech pan is best.


    The gigabitfilm in 35mm is very close to 120 Tmax, maybe too close to call.


    F-11 is the optimum f stop for each lens determined by testing.

  11. Its really hard to judge a negative without the use of a desitometer or an experienced eye. John Sexton critqued my negatives two years ago and told me the were too thin. Since then, I've cut the rated speed in half and my prints have been excellent since then. I shot mostly Ilford Delta 100 and I expose it at an EI of 50.
  12. I like the cool down idea. I use to haunt these forums on a daily basis.

    Now I check maybe twice a week and rapidly scan the new questions and only click on something that might be useful for me. I've pretty much posted all the stuff I know to these forums, multiple times. A better search function would be quite useful


    Another idea is try out digital. Now that is another great time-black-hole!

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