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Posts posted by lindsay_carter

  1. thanks a lot for your responses...


    I am using an alkaline battery (and I'm going to try out what that website said tomorrow when i'm more awake and technically inclined)...


    I live in the states, so I think going to sydney would be a bit expensive just to get my camera fixed... hehe... not to say that I wouldn't love an excuse to go to sydney some day.


    Yeah, I really do love my olympus... I don't like those nikon... or is it canon rebel cameras... everyone here has them, and I've borrowed a friend's once... it just doesn't feel right.


    peace. and again much thanks.

  2. I have an OM-1n, and the film speed indicator is completely off.

    When I'm shooting a roll of 320 TRIx film, I have to set my camera

    for ISO 640...


    I've heard that Olympus has stopped calibrating these old cameras...

    does anyone know if this is really true... or of any alternative

    places where I could get it fixed?


    It was my grandpa's and then my mother's and now mine, I don't think

    it was ever cleaned or calibrated, but I love that camera.


    Likewise... if anyone knows of any good "newer" alternatives that are

    similar to my beloved, let me know.


    Thanks for your time.

  3. Okay so I'm no expert, but I am a student. We just did this in class. We photographed a white wall 3 times (after calibrating our light meters). So we did one where the wall was just middle gray, then we opened up 3 f-stops from the original reading, then stopped down by 4 stops (from the original reading as well). Then we used a "normal" film developing process.


    Next, we read a piece of the clear film (film base+fog) and got a number. Then we read the 3 from the white wall...


    the Zone I density should be .10 more than the clear reading. That is to determine if the film speed is correct.


    the Zone VIII density should be 1.10 higher than the clear reading. That is to determine if you are using the correct developing time.


    He never really did explain why we had to do the middle gray shot, because we didn't use it to determine anything.


    I hope this helped a little bit and wasn't just a useless ramble. Honestly I'm not the best with photo terms yet, so I only understood a little bit of what you said up there. eh oh well.

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