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Image Comments posted by william_linzenmeyer

  1. Thank you Calee, I'm glad you like them. I do feel very fortunate to live where I do. It is a beautiful area, always changing. This time of year the hills are turning green as far as you can see.. I hope to get time to go out and take some photos tomorrow. Thanks for looking.

    Come back soon... come back often..


  2. I did shoot both the sunset and the rainbows but, in this shot, I was trying to capture the intensity of the storm. Although the rainbows were beautiful, the area of sky that they were in was muddy looking and devoid of texture. If I included the sun, I would have lost the deep dark nature of the sky you see here.

    Calee, Sorry we don't have many trees around here and I didn't have a hay bail handy. ;-) I would agree that it would be nice to have another element here but, I really liked the contrast between the dark angry sky and the rich, calm color of the wheat. Thank you for your comments


  3. This is the view from my home looking across the road to the North. It was a beautiful, late summer day, with an ominous afternoon thunderstorm building. Just to my left, the brilliant sunset was breaking through the clouds bringing out the rich color of the ripened wheat. To my right were 3 rainbows... I really need to move somewhere that has some decent photo opportunities. ;-)

    Thanks to all that take the time to view. Your comments are greatly appreciated.


  4. I like this shot too and would have to agree about the overexposed area. Other than that, it is very nicely composed. This would be a nice place to shoot with a model on the window sill or coming up the stairs... You could do some fun things here.


  5. Todd Park Mohr

    This is the first concert I ever shot. I lucked out and talked myself into a photo pass. I liked the colors and the motion blurr, with the face (what there is of it) and the microphone in focus. I would have liked to get more face but that was near impossible. I'll bet 75% of the time his face was covered. I'll be shooting them again in a couple of weeks so any help / comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for looking, Bill



    Nice photo. I think I would crop a little more of the sky out. The spot is dust on your sensor. It needs to be cleaned. If you are not familiar with the process check here


    Mr Rooster


    I'm glad you like it. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I tried it with less sky but it seemed that a bird needs sky... ;-) It might have helped if there were a couple of nice clouds to break up all the blue.


    Mr Rooster


    I've been trying to get a good shot of one of these guys for a while.

    They sure don't like to stand still very long and seem to have

    figured out how to stay out of gun / camera range. I waited for him

    to work his way across the hill high enough so I could get the sky

    behind and make him stand out better. What do you think?

  6. Nice but, in my opinion, there is too much going on here. The sky is mostly blown out and not very attractive to me. I would start by cropping it out. The large tree in the center draws too much attention. The large building on the right, although more aesthetically pleasing, also seems to compete for my attention. If you shot this at a little different angle so the building was not coming out of her shoulder and tighter so as to eliminate the tree I think it may have been better. I tried a crop from the tree, just below the sky, about half the foreground from her toes down. I like the simplicity and the focus on her. With just a slight angle adjustment to give separation between her shoulder and the building would be nice. This type of shot is difficult. I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you in the future.




    we all started with one click of the shutter. And, we are all still learning. The best way to learn is to keep shooting. Do it because you love it, for your own pleasure.

    PN is a great site and I strongly advise becoming a member and using all of the resources here to learn techniques and ask questions. See what works and what doesnt in other peoples images and use that knowledge to make yours better. When you look through the viewfinder think of the composition. Can you get a better angle, better position?

    Your composition on this shot is not bad. I might not have left so much water in the foreground. The sky is a little overexposed. One stop down may have given you more detail there. The trees on the right are nicely exposed. I hope you don't mind but I tweaked it a little to show you what I mean.

    On another note a couple of things I have noticed. And please take this as friendly advice. You seem to use CAPS a lot. On line that is akin to YELLING. And, many people are annoyed by it. It does work well if you are trying to EMPHASIZE a word or phrase. Also I noticed the size of your Larger image is HUGE. You will find some very useful information about sizing guidelines and how to's if you click here

    Good luck and Keep Shooting, Bill




    I liked Paskal's idea of B&w so I tried it. I hope you don't mind. I believe I do like it a little better. Otherwise, very nice composition. I might have turned to the left a little to minimize the darkness on the right. But, I have no idea what problems that may have brought in on the left. Very good job Alota. The shape of the land and the reflection remind me of an image I have in my folder. HERE




    My Backyard

    I very much appreciate the comments. As far as the funny shadows are concerned... our house is behind me and the lights from there and the yard light filter through the trees and bushes. Also, there are patches of grass all around that are casting shadows. Next time I'll try to remember to turn out the lights. ;-) I went back and tried to smooth things out a bit. I hope it helped. Bill

    Old Chevy


    I agree... I really like the tones in this. Nice lighting and composition too. I can't help but wonder what it would look like with more at the bottom. A nice chrome bumper angled into the lower right corner? Nice Job



  7. First off.. I'm a sucker for a nice sunset. ;-) But this image is really a standout for me. It has the beautiful colors layered above the sun. The sun looks like it's being cradled in a nest of clouds. The reflection pulling you in. I might have cropped a little more from the bottom. But hey..I might not have too... Nice work.




    Alban, I like this image, good exposure, nice texture. I like the contrast between the soft earthy tones in the stone and the lush green life outside. I think I like it a little better with about half of the stone cropped on the left. It seems to me, to have a little better flow. Nice job...


    My Backyard


    I took this in the backyard a couple of nights ago. The stone

    building on the right is a root cellar. It was part of the homestead

    that was originally here on our property. It is actually one of the

    oldest buildings in the county. I hope to make this into a studio

    some day.

    I really appreciate suggestions on any of my images.

    Thank you for looking, Bill

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