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Image Comments posted by william_linzenmeyer

    The Widow


    I'm trying to figure out how something so terribly Photoshopped could elicit such praise. I'm sorry but the eyes look totally unnatural to me and the black looks like it is painted with a can of black spray paint.


    I like your composition here. A little overexposed in some areas. I might have backed up a little and included the closer end of the boats too?



    Best viewed Large...

    My house is in the background. Horse barn on the left, my shop on the right. The house is left of the barn in the trees. Thanks for visiting...


  1. Thanks Knicki, It'll all be green in a couple of months. The green you see here is Winter wheat (planted in the fall of the previous year). They also grow lentils, peas, barley, and a little canola in this area. Those guys haven't popped their little sprouts up yet. There are also some Bluegrass farms in the area. Grown for seed.

    Oregon? I didn't realize we were neighbors...Drop by for a tour if you ever get to this side of town... ;-)

  2. Louise, errrrr... I mean Knicki?!?, So, what yer sayin' is, this is almost cheesy? If I was going for cheesy then, I have failed? Seriously, thank you for looking and commenting. I really appreciate it. BTW.. I noticed the new Profile pic on your page the other day. Just two words about that... DEE CAFF.. hehe..

    Have fun, Bill

    Afternoon Snack


    Thanks Knicki ?!?, I don't know what happened to Louise's comment... REALLY, she WAS HERE!!! I appreciate your comments. It was really fun hanging out with him. I need to get a few more posted.

    Take care, Bill

  3. Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like it. I think the look of the moon is due to a couple of factors. One being, the clouds may have distorted it some and two, I didn't have a tripod with me. I really like this particular building and windmill and have shot it many times and different seasons. I have many that I like but, I know there is a great one there, when the timing is right.

    Thanks again for stopping by, Bill

  4. Nice subject and lighting. I think the composition works very well. I love the old barns, such amazing character. I live in a farming community and can't help but photograph these grand old structures. Each one seems to have it's own unique personality.

    Have fun, Bill

  5. This is a nice composition although I would like to see the bird closer. Couldn't you get him to come in and smile? ;-) A couple of suggestions. The focus is a little soft and the color cast is not very pleasing to me. I adjusted the levels and used USM to sharpen a little. I hope you don't mind.

    Have fun, Bill

  6. Thanks for your comment. That is a really wild effect. I have the SB-800 flash but, all of the bands I've shot specifically forbid the use of flash during performances. I'll have to figure out a way to try it. Maybe in a rehersal or something. I shot this band again a couple of days ago. I'll get some posted soon. Thanks again for the tip..


    Simple Pleasures


    Nice shot.. I was gonna blow through and just drop a crappy rate on the way by. But heck, somebody beat me to it.. heh.. ;-) Don't you just love it? I don't post many to the RFC but, I think every time I do, there is one of those driveby's. Just happened again tonight. Oh well, life's too short to worry about the morons. What camera is this? I've collected a few of these old folders too. I love the red bellows. The lighting is nice. I might not have cropped it so tight.. but, then again I might have. Good job...

    Have Fun, Bill

    Afternoon Snack


    Louise, I cropped it down because it seemed too busy with all of the brush around him. It was a thick tangled mess and I was chest deep in it so, it wasn't practical to shoot portrait or I'd just end up with a blurry mess in the forground. And heck, I also shoot a Hasselblad so square is natural.. ;-)

    I'll try to post some more in the next couple of days.

    Thank you for your comments, Bill

    Afternoon Snack


    I went out hiking in the woods the other day and came across this moose. When he first saw me he started to take off. It has been my experience that, if you make some non threatening noise like chirping or a soft whistling, a wild animal will sometimes stop out of curiosity. I did this and, after going a short distance, he turned to check me out. I gave him a little time to adjust to me being there and understand that I wasn't a threat to him. As I saw him relax, I slowly worked my way closer. Taking a small step or two at a time and snapping shots along the way. After about 45 minutes I was less than 20 feet from him!!! For those that have never seen a moose up close, they are HUGE animals. And, although they can look quite cute and harmless, they can be extremely dangerous. I have spent a huge amount of time in the mountains and forests of the West in my life and I know that these kinds of opportunities, in the wild, are quite rare. It was a great, exciting and sometimes, frightening day.

    Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you, Bill

    Butron castle


    What a beautiful castle. Wonderful color, the sky sets the mood perfectly. The exposure is very nice and gives it the look of a painting. One thing that bothers me some is that the bottom seems cut off. Good job!




    I'll agree with the rant also... I too like the lighting, exposure and the background. But, I don't care for the pose much. It looks too unnatural to me. As the photo was loading (I have a very slow connection) it looked as though she may be ironing or something.. getting ready to get dressed.. I thought maybe she was concentrating on what she was doing. I guess what I'm saying is that it would work better for me if she was doing something more natural. Pretty model, nice location, I hope you can get another chance at this.




    You have a very nice portfolio, you're very talented. I like the different colors and textures in this shot and the angular composition but, I think I would prefer to see the whole "scoop" in the frame.

    I love Mexico and San Miguel is a fun place. Although, I haven't been there in many years.

    Have fun, Bill

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