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Posts posted by tauseef_asri

  1. I've recently bought myself my first Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz and was

    wondering how I shoot directly to it so that I can review the images

    on the screen each time a press the shutter. I dont wish to operate

    the camera from there just need to be able to review it instantly on

    a larger screen.


    Is this possible with the software already on the Mac or that came

    with the camera and if so how easy is it to set up.


    Any help would be appreciated.




  2. I am looking to upgrade my 20D for a 1D MKII but was wondering what

    solutions/mounts there are for using an off camera flash similar to

    the Metz? ones that attach to the camera, can this be done with a

    canon flash and if so any tips on where to buy one from?



  3. I am going to be hiring some Elinchrom 500 lights for the wkend,

    thing is I have heard that with a sync cord the voltage need to be

    under 10v or it can damage the camera? how do I know what the

    voltage is to prevent this or am I better off using Pocket Wizards?


    Help please?

  4. Any hints or tips on using two Canon Flashes? I've not tried this

    before but am going to use my 20D and 420EX on camera and add a

    550EX off camera to try some portrait type shots.


    Anyone ever try this and what type of results did you get?




  5. Bill


    Many thanks for the response, I think this is also one of the best suggestions. Just one question, when you say I can set the basic ratios if using 3 flashes, how do I do that and is it just a case of trial and error?


    I am definitley going to give this a try over the next few days to see how it works, hopefully I'll post some test shots to see what improvements I can make.


    Thanks again


  6. Thanks for the responses guys. I know this is not easy and am not expecting to go in nail it first. I have a 20D and a 420EX and normally use a Sto-Fen omnibounce. I just want to be able to get the best result I can without awful shadows from the Flash, would an of camera flash cord be any better?




  7. I am going to be doing a photo shoot with a female client who wants

    to have shots of her training in the gym, I know I will need to have

    some additional lighting on board but have no experience with studio

    or lighting techniques. I was thinking of having one or two lights

    with Umbrellas but not sure what else I need or how to set them up. C


    Can anyone help me with this???




  8. Just got back from shooting at a friends wedding and noticed that

    the AF assis beam on the flash was not working, checked all the

    settings on the camera but still no joy. Can anyone help with this?


    BTW CF5 is set to 2

  9. I have been going through the same dilema lately. I'm making the switch from film to digital and had origianlly planned on getting the 10D but when I read all the previews of the 20D I made my mind up. However thinking about it again and looking at all the features theres not really that much difference for me, plus I need it soon, October 1st for some planned shoots.


    So looks like I'll be going for a 10D and get lots of practice in, I've already got some L lenses so will be looking forward to put them to good use.


    At the end of the day only you can make this decision.



  10. I am looking to get the 10D as I need it pretty soon and cant wait

    until christmas to get a 20D so was wondering what the write speeds

    are like. I dont shoot action but will take shots fairly quickly

    depending on the situation. Is it really worth getting a Sandisk

    ultra II card or will something slower suffice?



  11. Thanks for the answers guys, I will mainly be shooting bodybuilding and fitness shows for a magazine so I will need to be able to send images of 300dpi. I also thought the busy display on the 10D is only once you have shot 9 consecutive frames and not individually? Help?



    My only other concern is regarding shooting in RAW, DPreview states that the 20 D has True RAW + JPEG support

    "While the EOS 10D claimed RAW+JPEG support, in reality only provided a JPEG embedded into the RAW file. The EOS 20D now has 'proper' RAW + JPEG and in this mode writes one RAW (.CR2) and one JPEG (.JPG) file for each frame taken."



  12. Okay I'm looking to make the switch to digital and had planned on

    picking up a 10D earlier this month but decided to wait and see what



    Well the 20D is here. Problem is, having read the many reviews is it

    really that much better or is it a case of wanting the latest toy.


    I mainly shoot people, indoors in lowlight. Previously used a 70-

    200L F4 which is just fine. Question is what should I do? go for the

    20D or pick up new 10D at a good price, I need to have the camera

    befoe October 5th as I have a magazine shoot on the 10th and will

    need a few days to play and get used to it. Any 10D with any advice.



  13. Many thanks for all the respones, heres the deal.


    I currently have a 700-200L F4 which I use 90% of the time, the other lens i have is the kit lens that came with my EOS 33. I am now in a position where a decent wideangle zoom will become my main lens and Zoom will only be used on occaision.


    If I go for the 10D I will need to get a 28-105 or 24-70 lens as this will become my main lens so that means getting a lens and body.


    If I go for the D70 I could get either 18-70 or the 24-85 and get a zoom later on.


    The choice seems to revolve more around the lens options and quality compared to Canon. I love the 70-200L as it is very sharp, however I am now in a position where I will need the same sharpness but in wideangle zoom lens. Am I better off switching or forking out the extra cash with Canon.


    I also really like the feel of the D70 in my hand,if I went for the 10D I would more than likely have to get the vertical grip.



  14. I am currently a Canon Film user and am looking to make the switch

    to Digital, I dont like the feel of the rebel and am thinking of

    either the 10D or making the swithc to Nikon.


    Any help or thoughts?

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