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addaon stanford

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Image Comments posted by addaon stanford



    Mark, I disagree. I think if the photo were any more aligned and less busy, it would get boring.


    Then again, my rating is very biased, since I can't get enough of them pretty colors.

  1. I think I caught the light just right. I like hte outlining on the near bars.


    For those who know New York, this is the big metal globe by the Trump hotel on the

    north side of Columbus Circle, shot into the sun from below at about 30 mm or so.


    Comments, as supposed to only ratings, are appreciated.

    High Hopes

    I like this a lot, but I wish there was just a bit more mountain above the fog. I know, I know, it's hard when you're not God... but I wonder if an hour or two after this picture the fog had burned off a bit, or instead been swept away. In the first case, I'd like to see some photos from then.


    My favorite of your (generally very good) shots. I really, really like this. One question. The sky seems a bit purple. Is it that tone on the slide, or is that a scanning artifact?


    I was surprised to see a really high rating here. What do others think? I liked the way the cloud echoed the building (and it's a great building to begin with), but I was concerned that the cropping on the bottom of the frame is a bit too drastic, and that the sky color varied too much (misaligned polarizing filter?).



    This is one of my favorites of my prints, but honestly, the print is better. I was unable to get the correct colors in the scan. The saturation is much higher on the print, although the green tint on the trunk is still there.


    This was a 30-second exposure, f5.6, lens resting on a paperback book on the ground, hence my choice of angles was limited... but I was very pleased with the result.



    If you look through my folders, I'm in the process of uploading my first few photos...

    not just my first few to photonet, but my first few "real" photos ever. I'm submitting

    this for critique because it's one of my favorites. What do you think of the blur in

    front? Is the polarizing too drastic? Any input helps me learn.


    Gorka, I just commented on one of your other photos, before seeing this one. I'm impressed! This is much better. The bulldozer has a lot more space; you can see where it is, not just itself. The color is great. The blue graffiti works wonderfully. The only thing I might have done a little differently is to look up just a bit more. It looks like there are some green trees just out of the frame, and I think the green would be a bit more interesting than quite so much of the brown ground. Again, I think this is close to perfect... but before pressing that button, think about not just what you're looking at, but what's around it.
  2. Gorka, great picture, clear and colorful. But let me give you something else to think about when you're taking pictures. What else is around the picture? You're taking a little slice out of the world... maybe you should consider a bigger slice. What is the bulldozer above digging in? I see a fence; is it above a road? A garden? Maybe try taking a few steps back, putting the object in the context of the world. Have fun!
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