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Posts posted by joe_orsak

  1. Bailey,


    I've asked now for the third time... WHERE is this article that you are talking about? You told me th ename of the magazine and I looked it up but could not find the article. Is it only in print or is it also online?

  2. Well... perhaps for all you apparently really wealthy folks (kidding of course) the $1200 that this camera is going to cost me with the kit lense and probably several hundred more for a couple little things like a larger memory card is not "Cheap". I know in the world of photography that it is, but keep in mind that a good majority of my photos submitted to photo.net were shot on a $200 3.2 megapixel Kyocera.


    I have been reading reviews from all over (DPReview.com extensively)and I've yet to really see any arguments that noise has been an issue with the D70. I read about 30 of the individual reviews and all of them rave about the product.


    Bailey, I have no grudge with you and honestly respect your two cents tossed in. However, I would have to take the opinions of not just those here but the masses of reviews from individuals elsewhere that have raved about the product as well.


    I also said that I couldn't find the article that you were discussing and could you provide a link to it that shows the noise problems.


    What I'm trying to discern is if the "noise problem" is more of a technical issue (because it's not an $8,000 EOS-1DS) or a practical street issue with real photographers shooting real pictures who have only $1500 to spend.


    I'm not a pro. I have a LONG way to go. I want to get a camera that exceeds my abilities and will help not hinder me getting to the next level in photography and I've got a max of $1500 to spend on everything. It seems this camera is the best choice considering those things.

  3. So from personal experience, the ISO 200 setting is not an issue? I'm going nutz trying to decide on a camera. I had my mind set on the 300D and then I went and held it. It felt cheap and looked cheap to me. This camera will be my "Semi-Pro" camera for many years to come so I have to choose wisely.
  4. As a side note, the reviews at DPReview.com by all the individuals who own it are very high and no one has complained about noise that I can see. In side by side comparison on features, the D70 seems to fair better than both the rebel and the 10D IMO.
  5. Brian, Don't know if you intended to include a link to the Practical Photography article, but I attempted to find the article unsuccessfully. I would like to read it as I am currently considering the D70. I had ruled out the Canon D300 mainly because I thought the body looked and felt cheap. I was also considering the EOS 10D although it's a bit out of my price range.


    Any thoughts on this subject are appreciated.

  6. I also have a question about the D70's ISO settings. I see in the features that it has Auto and 200-1600 settings. Does this mean that I can not manually set an ISO lower than 200? that seems odd to me. ISO 100 is pretty common isn't it? I'm a bit niave at such things and the D70 is so far my first serious consideration (opposed to the Canon 300D which I've ruled out because of the cheasy body.)
  7. Thank you again for so many great comments. Each has given me more info (at times overwhelmingly. :-p). I hand't really done an extensive look at the D70 because I thought it was several hundred more than the canon. Now on closer look I see it's about the same. I will definitely have to do a closer look. One thing I did notice is that the ISO settings seem to be Auto or 200-1600. Does that mean I can't manually set an ISO below 200? that would kinda suck.


    Also there's no remote ability which I do want to have (not a MAJOR issue but an issue for sure.)


    the thing that bugs me most about the Canon 300D is the lack of lenses for wide angle. The kit lense that it comes with goes down to 18mm (x1.6) but I've read that at wide open it's soft which kinda blows the usefullness of the 18mm.


    I'm pretty much lookinf at (budget drive descision) at the EF28-105 lens. It seems like a good all around lens, but that REALLY blows me out for any wide angle shots. Right?

  8. Quick question: Can you get higher quality lenses for the Minolta? If I saved money buy buying just the Minolta instead of the 300D and better lense, can I upgrade lenses down the road with the Minolta?


    Or, if I was thinking of building the "System" as said before would I just be better off with the 300D?


    It seems that the A2 with it's 8 megapixels is less dated than the 300D at 6.3 megapixels so it's tempting me. :-)

  9. Ian, thank you so much for your comments. It seems you hit the nail on the head for me. I want to build up a system. Initially, I am thinking of buying the 300D body only and getting a more superior EF 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM lens instead of the kit lens which has gotten really bad reviews.


    I have found the camera for $719 and this lens for $230. That still keeps me under my $1K range. Only thing I'm worried about is needing an extra memory card. those things can be expensive and I haven't done the pricing yet. Does that seem like a good plan to you?

  10. Good Lord! You bought all three... WAHOO! You aren't looking for a poor amature photographer type person to give some grants to are you? :-p


    A friend is recommending the D70. I haven't even started doing the homework on that one. It looks like the canon 300D with a better lens is my direction so far but I haven't ruled out the F8328. From the sounds of your purchase, I don't think I can afford the D70.


    Seriously, Let me know your results. It will probably be a couple two or three weeks before I purchase. If you are still alive with hair, my e-mail is jorsak@pdq.net.


    And thanks!

  11. Gary, I hope you didn't take offense from what I said earlier. I hate typing as a form of communication fo rthat reason - you can't hear voice inflection.


    I attempted photography years ago when I had a friend who was a nationally published photographer and he kept trying to get me into it. I really did like it but I hated so many parts of it that I put it down and never went back.


    With the advent of digital photography and the ability to see the image onscreen without the expense of prinitng out, to see the mistakes and learn, and then the creative sides of photoshop, etc., I have rediscovered what I loved so much and the parts that I didn't like aren't present.


    I'm more than enamorred, :-) , I'm ADDICTED!

  12. Jim, I read a good deal of them too. Poor people. :-( So far the ratings on "radioactivedeals.com" aren't THAT bad and the camera is at $719 with them.


    Macman, The main problem I have with the 10D is the price. It's just out of my reach (correction on that 19D type-o). It's beena while since I read the articles on it since it really wasn't a consideration.




    Yes, I read some of the remarks. Again, on th epurchase side, don't worry, I will do my homework before i buy. Just like i'm doing my homework on the product and asking all you guys who know a heck of a lot more about this stuff than I do. :-) Thanks again for the warning.

  13. I thnak you all for the warnings. I didn't really go into the whole "where" I'm going to purchase it thing. I am a total newbie to camera's, but not online purchases. In another thread, I said, "I rarely purchase from the lowest bidder." In this case th elowest two have bad ratings. The site radioactivedeals at $719 so far seems ok. I'm still doing my homework on that part. Again I thank you all for the warnings.
  14. $689 without lense




    $699 without lense




    And $719 without lense




    Thanks so much for the info on the lenses. I have tooo much to learn. It all feels overwhelming at times.


    I plan on ordering just the body from one of the above depending on which of them has the better deals on the lenses. IF they carry the lenses.


    Thanks again.

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