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Posts posted by martin_c.

  1. This one has been bugging me for a while now. Im an aspiring

    photojournalist, while shooting my first ever photo essays for my

    school newspaper, I have always taken into account the fact that the

    photog should under no circumstances, influence what he is taking

    pictures of. The pictures came out good, but there where times when

    the subject did something for a split second and I just know it

    would have looked better had I been on the other side, or from a

    different angle. My question is this; lets say that split second

    moment is the subject walking through a doorway, and the lighting is

    perfect, but you dont capture it...so you ask the subject to walk

    through it again. Is this ethical? Do photojournalist sometimes

    interact with their subjects in order to capture something they

    might have otherwise missed?

  2. Hey everyone,


    Im in the market for a monopod and was thinking about the

    Bogen 681B. Before I go out and get it though, I was wondering if

    anyone here had any thoughts on it. If this isnt a great choice, what

    is? and while we're at it, any suggestion for heads? I shoot mostly

    sports for my college. Thank you.

  3. "snide bigoted Canon digs" ?


    Dont you just love it when people try to sound smart and articulate yet they fail miserably? I specially love the use of the word "bigoted" because nothing says bigotry, like suggesting you buy a new lens and follow it with smiley faces.

  4. Liz,

    WHen I first got my camera I thought I didnt need one because I could just upload my pictures using the camera. Boy was I wrong! The card reader really makes everything easier and as others have stated, its only about $20. With the card reader you dont have to depend on the software to upload your pictures, if you carry that card reader with you, you can upload the pictures onto any computer when ever you need to, not only is it fast, its a heck of a lot easier too. go out and get one, trust me, itll save you a ton of headaches.

  5. Hello everyone, I have a very simple question and Im hoping it

    doesnt cause too many laughs.


    I've was a little confused as to how the Canon Warranty card

    works. When I bought my film camera not too long ago I asked the

    nice gentleman behind the counter what I had to do with the warranty

    card, "Just mail it in" he said. So of course I went home and filled

    it all out. and just as I was about to send it in, I saw at the

    bottom that it said "Do Not Mail, Keep This Card".


    This is where the confusion sets in. There are two cards.

    Card A reads at the top: Canon International Warranty

    Card B reads: Dealer Record of Canon Purchase


    I recently bought a 20D and want the warranty to be good on

    it. Do I send anything at all to them, and if so, which of the two?

    and if so....where.


    Thank you in advance.

  6. Frederick, When it comes to shopping online for photo equipment it never gets any easier than buying from B&H. I bought my 20D not too long ago through them and I got a sweet deal when I bought the kit with a 2gb Lexar card, I believe it was $1800 plus a rebate. I agree with buying and looking for a deal, I do it all the time when I look too, but with a $1500 (or $1600 if you want the kit) item, there really is no room to screw around, its a lot of money and if you get conned into these "too good to be true" places, its going to hurt big! B&H and Adorama are reputable places and in my opinion offer some of the best deals on the market.
  7. Hey there everyone,


    Ok I hope this is more of a PC problem, or even better, not

    a problem at all. First of all lets just mention that I had been

    using a 300D that I borrowed from my school (newspaper) and thus

    installed the software on my computer at home.

    I got my 20D in the mail about two days ago now and after trying

    it out on the town, decided to upload my pictures to my computer. I

    installed the software and everything was good up until then, the

    computer did mention that it was upgrading my zoombrowser. When I

    went to upload the pictures I kept getting this message that the

    camera was busy and to turn of the LCD monitor (i was not even

    touching the camera). After several frustrating minutes, I was

    finally able to upload using EOS Viewer Utility in a method similar

    to an Apple computer(where you take one folder, drag it to another

    to copy it and it begins the upload. This of course was very

    different from when I used the 300D and I clicked on upload


    Very important to mention also is the fact that when I tried

    uploading it at first (when I got that busy message that wouldnt go

    away) it looked like I was using the old program from Canon (the one

    I used on the 300D) ....I removed all canon software from my

    computer and started all over....and that is where I am now. My

    concer was that "busy" message that wouldnt let me upload...was I

    going about it the wrong way? or is there something wrong? Sorry if

    this proves to be a bit confusing, Ill try to clarify as best as I

    can if the need arises. Thank you much in advance

  8. Saw an ad in the LA Times today for Samy's Camera, now for all of those of you that dont know, Samy's is pretty well known here in southern california, the ad mention the rebates in the same style that was mentioned above. You gotta buy two lenses to get a sum total of $300 or something like that. Its seem like a "you gotta buy the car before we can give you a cup-holder" kind of deal, it wouldnt make me want to rush out there and buy something just because of the rebate. Quite frankly I dont see the point of it.
  9. Im writing this from underneath my desk.


    Im been doing my research for a while, as I usually do before I

    buy anything that will atleast set me back a month on rent payments,

    and was about 95% convinced that the 10D was a great camera, and

    that I need not go the way of the 20D, I didnt need the latest

    gadget, I just wanted to take pictures. Reviews where great, people

    hailed it...and then the 20D went out to people, and it seems hard

    to avoid reading about the 10D with a reference to "bad/horrible

    focusing" being made. 20D seems like a great new toy, but wasnt the

    10D suppose to be a great camera too? I mean they where flying off

    the selves at one point, they where back-ordered for ages when it

    first came out (see, I told you I did my research!).

    Pardon the frustration, Im sure everyone here has had it

    with "which should I chose the 10D or the 20D" questions, this isnt

    one of them. This is more like me trying to make sense of

    everything, its madness!


    1) Is the focusing problem that bad (although any focusing problem

    is enough to discourage me)?


    2) Did Canon fix it in later models?


    3)Is the 20D's viewfinder anything like the DRebels viewfinder

    (cause that one seemed small to me)? I have an Elan 7ne and I like

    the viewfinder on that one..its tolerable.



    4) Are the DPREVIEW people all that nutty? they seem a little nutty,

    I would agree.


    All your help is welcomed. Thanks a bunch!


    btw. Photojournalist, EF-50mm f1.8,70-200 F4, Elan 7ne, 550EX flash.

    There, I always get asked that, so those are my answers :-)

  10. Hey there everyone, heres my question.


    This past semester at school I have begun shooting for the

    school newspaper and thus begins my "career" as a photojournalist.

    I've been getting increased preassure from the staff for shooting

    with digital, makes sense because it makes everything a lot faster

    and easier. Im think I might go ahead and purchase a 10D since the

    prices have dropped drastically with the announcement of the 20D.

    Heres my question....


    A fellow photographer mentioned before that newspapers (that ones

    that actually pay) require atleast 8 mp shots to print in their

    newspapers. Now Im not pixel junkie, but I was wondering if there

    was some truth to this. I realise I might be ok shooting for the

    school newspaper, but what if I want to shoot for a local newspaper

    later on? is there any truth to this? Any photojournalist here shoot

    with a 10D? if so, whats your input. Also..this a side question but

    I might as well ask, how big can you enlarge with a 10D as opposed

    to a 20D?


    Ok thank you all in advance for your input.

  11. I bought the F4 not too long ago and I am not at all disappointed with it. I too wanted the 2.8 but finally had to stop lying to myself, 1,000 is a lot of money. Thats rent money. Im not saying dont go for it, but unless youre dedicated to a certain kind of photography in which light will be scarce...be real with yourself, F4 might be your best option. For example I want a 1Dmk2 camera, but I know the10D (or soon 20D)will fit my needs, I know better than to go of trying to save for and buy the MK2. ..ok to make a long story short, Ive shot games with the F4 and its done its job.
  12. Hey there everyone? Im just about getting ready to go out and buy an

    ELan 7ne (would much rather have the 7e but oh well!) and I was

    wondering the following. In the future I want to get make my own

    little studio and get some strobes for portraits. Ive noticed that

    the upper level cameras can hook up, but was wondering If I can use

    the Elan 7ne that way. Thanks a bunch everyone!

  13. Inside the lens is a mechanism, which makes a hole through which light enters, the size of that whole is called an F stop. The smaller the number the bigger the whole, the bigger the hole the smaller the number. for example, an F stop of 1.8 is way bigger than an F-stop of 16. Im trying to think exactly why this is so, but Im not going to break my head on that, Im sure someone here has the answer to that.


    If there is little light on the subject (say youre shooting a concert) you may need the F-stop to open up as wide as it can to let more light in. If taking a picture of someone, the bigger the hole, the more fuzzy it makes the background, which is good if you want to draw attention to your subject and not people standing around in the back.


    My 2 cents.

  14. Thanks, Ive just started experimenting with the 50mm. So I might stay there. I just wanted to clarify, that when I said bands, I ment portraits, like something that would be on the cover of Rolling Stone Mag (Im shooting for the stars here!!)not really pictures of them in live performances. In a way they both tie into photojournalism I suppose and thats why Im willing to consider them both together. so Elan 7e body and 50mm lens sound like a good convo? now just gotta find a 7e. What I'd kill for is a photojournalist to hang out with and learn from, but thats another story. Allright Keep them comin' guys!
  15. Hi there everyone. I am a newbie interested in photjournalism. I

    currently have a Eos R2k with a 50mm/f1.8 lens on it. I was thinking

    of getting a lens soon except I just want to run this by you guys

    before I do. I was interested in the EF 70-200 f/4 lens but despite

    the fact that I hear good things about it, I am wondering if I'm

    gettting more horse power than I really need, in other words, do I

    need such a big lens? is it the right choice for this kind of

    photography? Also on the drawing board is the EF 28-135 which I

    according to a review read on here, is a good lens as well.


    I once wanted a flash, and went with a 550ex, way more power than

    what I really knew what to do with and felt foolish afterwards for

    not asking first, and though I know that has nothing to do with

    this, I just want to mention that to describe what exactly Im afraid

    of. All right everyone. Thanks for your input in advance. Cheers!


    P.S. Id like to point out too, that although I am interested in

    photojournalism, I'd like to photograph rock bands,not live concert

    shots, but promo shots (portraits?) as a side thing. I dont know if

    that helps alright. Im done here. Thanks again

  16. Right now I just got a 50mm/f1.8 and a 550ex flash. A little low on the equipment, but you gotta start somewhere I suppose. There isnt anything particularly that really irritates me about mine more like a series of things, first the plasticy light feel of it. It is small and it is really light, doesnt really bother me, but its definitely not a plus. Changing aperture and shutter speed gets to be a real pain, having to press a tiny button to change aperture, from what I gather the Elans and up have two dials to make it easier. The viewfinder slightly annoys me, Id like it to be bigger and Id like not to fog up up the back of my camera because nose is pressed up against it because Im squinting to see better. The thing making me a little uneasy about staying with my Rebel is getting that lens, the question making circles in my head is, since I invested in this, should I invest in a better camera and how much better is that better camera.

    I shoot street photography and would actually love to do photojournalism. Right now Im shooting everything I can though, If I like a building, ill shoot a building, if I see a pretty cool bird, Ill shot the bird (not literally!). I use Fuji 400NPH (I dont know if that changes anything though). I well aware that its lens before camera, the thing is....what camera? I dont know if I can bring myself to sell it, it was a gift from my parents when I was in my last year in high school. Either I would use it as back up or I would let them use it (with the lens that came with it) since they dont care about the specs they just think it takes nice pics. SO I would have to dish out the full price for the camera, not just 100 bucks. Well thanks so far, I hope all that info helps balance the debate. Thanks for listening.



  17. Hey there everyone! Ive been debating the following, and being as to

    how this is the place I come for answers Id be interested in what

    you guys think about this.

    I got a Rebel 2000 close to 3 years ago, because I was really

    interested in photography. After school ended for me (high school) I

    got busy with other things and left my camera alone. Recently I've

    come back to it and in fact have initiated an all out photography

    blitz with it, going anywhere I can to take pictures. This is

    something Ive always wanted to do and now finally I've been giving

    myself time to do it. Heres the deal, I've been considering an 70-

    200mm/F4 but aside from that Ive been hearing a litle oice in my

    head, nagging me to upgrade my camera. So the next in line is of

    course the ELAN 7N. I know I want the lens, but the camera? that Im

    still not completely sold on that one. Is it a big jump from R2k to

    ELan 7N? I dont make much money so the lens itself will deplete me,

    Id have to put my pennies together and get that camera.

    This is a side question, but any comments on the viewfinder?

    Thats not too important just thought Id throw that in. Thanks for

    listening guys!

  18. Bummer! At first I was ready to go out and buy myself a 10D but after reading a lot on it, that was a pretty decent minus point. I was in the middle and that pushed me onto the "no-go!" side. I am a college student and am saving up all my pennies as well and I know that if I get a digital camera now, I will have to use it from here until I turn 90 - they are nice yes!, but they are not cheap. Thats a bummer though, I think I'm going to keep saving until Canon decides to be nice and release one without the crop factor. By the way just curious, that whole "what you see is what you get" rule (meaning what you see in the viewfinder is what you get on the photograph) does that apply to DSLR's as well? When you look through the viewfinder in a DSLR, is the image you see already cropped or do you have to keep in mind that the image you see is going to get cropped once you take the pic? ...ok once again, just asking. Thank you guys....you guys are quick!! cheers!
  19. Hey there folks! Recently I was seriously debating going digital

    but after a thinking it over I decided not to at least not just yet.

    one of the biggest factors in this decision was of course the 1.6X

    crop factor for the digital rebel and the 10D. I thought Id ask the

    following though, before I completely abandon possibility.


    The crop factor on the 300d and 10D, is that present in the upper

    level Canon digital cameras like the 1DMK2 or 1D? and (I know this

    may not be best asked here but it ties in with my previous

    question)...Do other digital camera brands such as Nikon have a crop


    Just curious, thank you for your time in advance

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