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Image Comments posted by petersh


    Nice shot. I like the sweep of the road as well as the atmosphere. I might have dodged the sheep just a bit, (but that could be my monitor...I'm on my laptop)

    Morning Mood

    I like the saturation the way it is. I'm not sure believability is the goal here, rather a mood that is facilitated by the unrealistic saturation. Without this manipulation it would not have the impact. My one negative is the light area behind the tree on the right and the light halo around the tree on the left, they are inconsistent with the rest of the photo. I think you could have easily darkened both of these areas with little or no affect on the trees, they're silhouettes. Nice job.


    Beautiful colors. But I think you have fallen into the same trap I do, too much exposure time. the water looks too "fluffy". There is a middle ground that shows movement without obliterating all details. Plus shorter exposure will help get rid of the hot spot at eht base of the falls. Nonetheless, nice job!


    Beautiful "painterly" quality. You got just the right exposure on the falls long enough to show motion and short enough so the water does not become "fluff".
  1. Nice job. I stood in exactly the spot you shot this from and didn't see it. Maybe because it was a cloudy day and the stream had no color (that my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) I tried the other direction under the little bridge but got little or nothing. When you turned around you saw....



    Looks like Tillmans Ravine...I think I must have missed you by a few feet. I've Posted two from the Ravine, one from Dingman's Falls and one from below Fulmer Falls. Nice job here. I love the moss.
  2. Nice shot. I love stream shots. I think I might leave out the background trees that are such an exposure problem. Or, if you feel you need them for context, darken them so that they do not draw the eye as much. I think I would do a little dodging, or locally increase the contrast, of the cascade to get at least some of it up to white. nice job.
  3. Jonathan, Thanks for the follow-up. I don't disagree with you. I have seen a few beautiful photos where the water is "frozen." Usually closeups of the eddies and flows of the stream with a view of the stream bed. I may have gotten a little carried away here, but it is a function of the HDR processing used to put together the photo. It was a very cloudy day and I had to stop down to get the necessary depth of field. I guess I could have upped the sensor e.i. but I didn't want the image degradation that seems to follow that route. Besides, I lugged that darn tripod all over hell to get photos, I wanted to take advantage of it. :-)


    Thanks again, Peter

  4. Thanks for the comments. The colors are a bit "out there." I processed this using the Photoshop HDR function using 3 bracketed shots. When I was adjusting the gamma these colors just popped out. I usually tend towards dark and muted images but was really taken with the "fairy tale" quality here so I left it. Waterfalls in general are cliche'd but, alas, I like them. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks for the comment Chris. This is an HDR composite of three bracketed shots. I didn't have the dynamic range to see the moss or detail in the rocks, especially in the lower right. Using the HDR I could get the desired details, the trade off was the detail in the trees. There was a breeze and when the shots were combined the leaves appear blurred. Actually in a full blowup they are quite sharp but do have a little "ghosting" because of the movement. Maybe I'll try this again and clone in the trees from one of the stable images.
  6. Eddie, I looked through your portfolio and was really impressed. But this one just doesn't do it for me. I find the blurred posts and trees really distracting. Granted I may be missing the point here, but I think I would have stopped down and focused a little further down the line of posts trying to include them and the trees.
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