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Image Comments posted by ryan_mcintosh

  1. Hey Nathan, I have not heard from you for awhile, so its nice to see your posting new images on here! This image really pops for me, and I like that. Did you just scan the neg, or are you scanning a final print you made?


    Ryan McIntosh


    IR 001


    I do not know what a IR filter is, but I DO know I love this image. As you can see by images in my gallery...I am obsessed with blurry water photographs, and you did a great job creating this one.


    Ryan McIntosh


    Sodros A0635


    This is truly a great image, with a strong sense of light and mood to the image. The only thing I wish is that you did not cut off the tops of the trees. For some reason that bothers me.


    Still very fine thought.


    Ryan McIntosh


  2. This image is very unique and different. There might be a few things I would do different in the printing thought, but that is just me. The image seems to have that "old time" look of Westons old platinum prints. The look where the midtones look ever uneven and blochy really. I do not like the tiny hot spots in each corner of the image, and would eaither crop those, or burn them.


    Nice work Nathan.


    Ryan McIntosh

    When both descend


    the cool tone works well with this image. I do not like the black border on top and bottom, eaither take it all the way around...or get rid of it.


    Take care,


    Ryan McIntosh

  3. Very fine image. I would love to see the original print, rather then a scan. Something I might say doing is take some spottone (or paint or photoshop) to the sky to remove some of those dust specks in the scan. You are lucky to live my the sea, I would absolutly love that experience.
  4. This image just totally amazes me! It reminds me alot of Jerry Uelsmann's work. I would love to see the same image, but some placed into the black void in the center, maybe like a symetrical tree or someones face even! Give it a try!


    Ryan McIntosh

  5. Very fine image. Reminds me of Brett Weston's abstract work he did. The one thing that caught my eye was the tiny little line in the upper left corner. I dont know why, but I catch things like that easy and they are distracting to me. I would crop out that little peice of grass or whatever it is.


    Ryan McIntosh

    Yosemite Valley


    Very classic, over photographed spot. Probably a few million photographs taken in this EXACT spot each year, there is probably deep wholes in the ground from peoples tripods! Anyways, This is over and above the normal "tourist picture" taken from this spot. You were able to capture a moment in time and express that in your photograph, and I feel that is why it is successful. Nicely composed, nice use of lighting, and glad you got the clouds rather then just a blah sky.


    Ryan McIntosh


    Very nice. Reminds me of these 3 identical old Edward Weston soft focus nude print I own that were done in 1927. Because of the age, they have yellowed over time. They are also platium prints, which is how this apears to be. Maybe you can provide some information on your process for me.

    Driftwood #3


    I would like to know how you got that effect of the borders like that. I really like it!


    Im sure it is just the scan quality (as you mentioned in a post you made on one of my photographs you had problems with), but the image seems too contrasty and the vertical log does not have enough detail. Shadow detail is also low...but you know what I think...Who ever said that you need to have perfect shadow detail all the time? I know adams was big on that, but I think that sometimes printing shadows down dark is part of the "expressive print" I think its more important to have an expressive print then to have a photograph of exact reality. With this in mind, I think this photograph is very effective and well printed.


    Where are you from by the way? I am from Tucson AZ going to school (im 19) but travel to CA alot to photograph with my 4x5 and 8x10.


    Please view my gallery :)


    Ryan McIntosh


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