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Image Comments posted by lgreene

    West of 15 #2

    I agree with Mr Williams(he has a good eye ya know) this one draws you in very nicely. I also am having fun figuring out your where abouts...Badlands is S.Dakota,you have a lake photo that is in the Saskatchewa Province, Lake Michigan-Don't tell just drop more clues if you want to.


    I remember how skittish ring neck pheasants are but this would be an awesome shot if all the tail was included. Pheasants are so ornate in all their plumage.Great light.


    Excellent capture. I like how the movement with the tree and 2 of the buffalo is to the left but you have one going right to keep it balanced. Lovely winter shot.
  1. Beautiful reflection and the perspective is really fantastic. I have yet to accomplish the feeling of this shot and have tried many times. You give us the feeling standing on the ledge and what we would see ourselves.It's hard for me to put into words but I have tried similar shots and the angles or views came out looked warped or skewed not like from eye's view so congratulations.


    This has great tones and contrast as a B&W and I see you have it in color also. Do find it to be a dilema when you shoot something that looks good in color and with this lotus the color really stands out...but then it looks great in B&W also ? I ask because both are uploaded and you know they will be compared and the color was probably done first (and done very well I might add) but this version is just amazing.

    snow, winter tree...


    Cropped out branches on right,slight sat/contrast boost. I wish I had taken this! weeds and shadows in foreground then the tree on a hillside ,leads to more trees in background all on snow!


    snow, winter tree...

    Kay C, KW...If I may interject I like the BW1 for the reason of the way the light at the base of the tree stands out more-actaully demands attention and the shadow coming towards us leading to the foreground instead of visa versa is very good. You 2 work good together:-)

    Snowy Bouquet


    My reaction of the blue back ground in the thumbnail view was it looks like clouds being held up by branches. I'm sure you can see this has many possibilities to it. I like the vivid colors you caught.

  2. With out the brightly colored shoes you have a all neutral color almost monochrome shot. Sooo I think arranging the 3 pair on the left side is the big challenge here. Personally I think (since you asked) the pink and red pair should be on opposite sides. I like the old west theme of the ceramic covered cofee pot,soda water bottle-(sassparilla anyone?) the wood,the pictures hmmm do you have a basin bowl to wash up in? (maybe our dirty feet)


    Good thing this was through your window-this one looks ready to pounce you. Looks like they are well fed at your house-fattening it up for a stew? Actually I like the colors of the background against the grey fur. The squirrel is very sharp focus and can be fickle subjects to photograph. Thank you for the dedication. Any bet pools yet on when Lake Minnetonka's ice breaks?
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