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Steven Rowley

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Posts posted by Steven Rowley

  1. I have a Canon EOS 35mm and use a Sunpak flash. The flash has two

    auto modes and a manual mode. When used as fill light, are there any

    exposure tricks to get the flash to reduce the light output. For

    example: with the flash on manual, if the flash says f8 from 12ft

    away, could I just use that setting but shoot from 15ft for example.

    Any ideas would be appreciated. I'm probably making this more

    complex than it has to be.

  2. Just to see what kind of reply I'd get, I emailed my state and two adjoining states and asked them if there are any state laws about what things are illegal to photograph in the state(MN,SD,ND). I received the same answer from all 3. Each of them sited "child pornography" as being the only thing on their books that is illegal to photograph. It's funny too, that 2 of the 3 states mentioned their trespassing codes about staying off of private property. Otherwise they said there are no laws restricting photography. The local air bases & nuke plants are of no photographic interest to me, so I should be covered.
  3. I read a post on another website about a photographer who did a

    girl's senior pics. Then the father came back and demanded that the

    photographer turn the copyright over to him. How often does this

    come up? Doesn't someone coming to you to have their photo taken

    qualify as "work for hire", or is it all in the wording of the papers

    signed. Is it necessary to have something in print that says the

    photographer retains the copyright?

  4. I would like to know what you do and say when it comes to having

    strangers sign a release. For example, you see a person in the ideal

    photo op. Whether you ask to take their photo first, or take the

    photo and then approach them, what do you say to get a total stranger

    to sign, and do you get many leery people who think they're signing

    away too many rights, and how do you explain the release? Thanks

  5. This shows the diversity of ideas and opinions on this site. I used to give a cd of all of the high res photos, but found info on a few threads where some people said it was crazy to give high res files. It's good to have many opinions. Just remember to take everything you read with a grain of salt.
  6. I've chosen to give 1 - 8x10 on standard photo paper. Not the best, but not the worst photo either. Something to get their attention and make them want more. I also like to give a cd with all of the images, in low resolution. The 8x10 seems to work better for me than just giving a cd with images. The ability to instantly see good results creates a desire for more prints instead of just looking at them on the computer when they get home. Make sure the photos on the cd are low resolution so that the person cannot print good prints themselves. It makes them come to you to order prints.
  7. I'm a big believer in technique more than equipment. For example, my

    boss shoots and processes his own photos. He has a $3000-$4000

    camera/flash setup, and I swear I can get better photos with a

    disposable p&s. Not bragging, just a comment. I read where the guy

    who shot the Sport Illus Swimsuit issue about 3 yrs ago did it all

    with a $300 p&s camera. Just curious as to your personal experiences

    with this. Have you had any great photos from what would not be

    considered a top notch camera. Like some people say, better to carry

    a inexpensive camera all the time, instead of not carrying $5000

    worth because it's too clumsy.

  8. Does anyone have any experience dealing with the legalities of using

    photos of a place that no longer exists? There is a complex where I

    live that was built with a rustic/western look to it. The place is

    abandoned now and supposedly destined to be demolished. It's a neat

    looking place. I want to take photos of it before it's gone, but am

    wondering if a release will be necessary in the future. The people

    who owned it from the 60's to 2000 aren't in the picture. It's the

    new owners that may tear it down. Just looking for someone with the

    same experience to give some pointers. Thanks.

  9. I've been trying to shoot someone whose face appears "normal", but

    when photographed, her face appears "flat". I've tried different

    angles, dim - brighter light, closer, back farther. Any suggestions

    with what to do about this problem. This is the first time I've had

    this problem.

  10. I use a Fuji Pro series digital camera, and tried my hand at tungsten

    portraits this past weekend. With the color balance set to tungsten,

    they turned out fine. I'm curious as to what other people use for

    tungsten lighting as far as watts, distances, number of lights, and

    so on. Any other tips or suggestions would be appreciated too.


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