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Image Comments posted by lonniusmax

    Softly Spoken


    I really, REALLY want to be there. Please share your process: What camera did you use? Settings? Did you use a graduated filter? Multiple exposure? What went into the post-processing? Please share so we can learn from you! Thanks for this image.

    From a critical standpoint: I like the way the river runs through the image, as well as the balance of the light/dark areas. The moon in the sky gives our eye a stopping point and pulls us back into the image. There seems to be a natural vignette around the image which also helps keep our eye in the frame. I also appreciate that you didn't try to warm the image up too much, which adds to the atmosphere. Excellent!


    I really like the blue. I think, however, it might be worthwhile to consider cropping out the little piece of land on the left and maybe adjusting the sky to remove the slight yellow/magenta tinge towards the horizon. Otherwise it's excellent.

    Tequila Cristal

    The concept is decent, but it just doesn't appeal to me. The lighting on the bottles seems a bit flat to me. The bottles aren't dynamic. In other words, they don't tell me a story or please me aesthetically. Were these all shot together, or two separate groups? Also, they are off center slightly, which is distracting. If the purpose is to explore light through glass, I'd suggest playing some more. Keep it up! I can tell you are stretching your creative muscle, but for me this one just didn't please. Thanks for contributing!

    lady of myths

    Nicely done! Composition is great, with the road heading off to the upper right. Cold, foggy forest also looks great. I think the only complaint I have about the model is I think she should have either been more hunched over or, my personal preference, that she be straighter backed. The first option would make her seem more earthy and animalistic, the second option would make her seem more powerful and daunting. Her current posture seems just a bit to, well, lazy. Also, a shot of the woods without her imposed over her slightly would give her a ghostly appearance, which might be another option to consider. These are only my opinions on how to possibly give the photo a bit more of a bizarre flavor. Hope you don't mind. Overall, I think it was well executed, however.


    Honestly not seeing anything particularly spectacular here. Maybe putting the horizon extremely high or low would make it more appealing. There's nothing that really grabs the eye and keeps it in the photo. Beautiful location, though.


    An interesting shot for what is portrayed: snow in a seeming desert location. Just a bit bland, though. Nothing really stands out to me, even if this location is serene. Maybe it's not as exciting for me because I live in a rocky, desert area and I get more excitement out of places more foreign to me - purely subjective. Keep shooting and definitely keep exploring the beauty of nature!

    Spring Run Off

    Would have liked to see more of the kayakers(?) face. Also, maybe shooting at a faster shutterspeed would have frozen the droplets of water a bit more and made it more impacting to me. Do you have the very next second or so after this shot where the arm is lower and there is now paddle shadow on the helmet?

    Into the blue.

    This is right in so many ways. I'd give it a 7/7 if we didn't have the molding cutting through the bottom of the image. Great vision, lighting, and modeling. I like the way the window could either appear concave or convex. Nicely done!

    Where were you?

    Great tone. Sexy look. The background is a bit distracting: not that it should be eliminated, but it's an odd mix with the bricks and bed. The black cloth under her is hard to make out, and therefore, a bit of a curiosity which detracts from the power of the image as well.


    Wow! Nice grab! I love the depth of field here, the yellow tone, and the burned edges. Really nice! I feel almost like we're peaking into a forbidden world to get a glimpse of an elusive bird. Well framed!
  1. I think this photo could easily be very bland. What makes it interesting to my eyes is the burned-in edges and high contrast - giving it a timeless quality. The footprints also add a bit of a story. Great vision here.


    This is superb! But I'd love more details on the process. Please explain how you achieved such great lighting, black background, short aperture, etc. I've tried to capture hummingbirds before...not easy.
  2. After looking at more of your photos I decided to delete my original post. Perhaps it is because I've never seen such places that I jumped to conclusions. The strange contrasts I noted between the foreground, trees, and background are mind-boggling. I agree we are all here to learn. Please accept my apology and my congratulations on the shot. Perhaps my critique, after reviewing your other photos, should be to watch your selection when playing with contrast and highlights. The darker sky around the trees makes it look odd. Thanks for setting me straight!

    Close Up

    Hi, Janine. I really like this shot. The colors on the bird mix so well with the background. Backlighting gives the bird a neat glow. I'm curious how you took this shot. I own a Panasonic Lumix FZ8, which is a decent amateur enthusiast camera, but I was having a hard time keeping the hummer in focus while it was darting back and forth getting nectar. Most of my shots were at the feeder, but you managed to get the bird "in isolation." How did you keep focus on the bird? Did you manually set the focal distance and hope it stayed within range, or were you able to get an AF lock while it hovered? Thanks!


    Including the building at left is what made this shot. Otherwise it wouldn't have made any sense. Cropping off the right side of the top building might make for an interesting composition. Regardless, nice pic!


    I really like it! Crop looks good to me, color, exposure, background clouds, all good! I'd prefer to have the bird in the background in a different, more recognizable form, but you get what you can with these shots, right? One small thing: There seems to be a speck below the background bird. A little distracting. Everything else is good, though.
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