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Posts posted by erik_ingvoldstad

  1. I have both a 6000 back and a 6006 back for my 6006. Both have ISO dials, but I think the

    one on the '06 back is just to remind you of which film you have in the back. That's what I

    use them for anyway. When I look into the narrow gap between the back's outer casing

    and the film opening, I can see that the 6000 back has 2x3 goldplated contacts, but on

    the '06 back there's only 2x2 (the middle ones are missing). This matches the contacts on

    my camera. I don't have a later camera to test this on, but I dont't think my '06 back sends

    any ISO signals to the camera.

  2. I felt I needed everything you want, but in addition I wanted exchangeable backs and

    lenses. I bought a 6006, and couldn't be happier. Excellent optics, fantastic film plane (no

    slacks as in a Hasselblad). The quality matches or surpasses the 'blad, but prices are much

    lower (I paid less than $700 on eBay, including an excellent Planar). Add a Sonnar 150 mm

    for portraits (I paid $400 for mine), and perhaps an extra back or two. Another thing that

    sets it apart from a 'blad is the built-in meter and auto-exposure. Even though I normally

    measure the light with an external meter, it's great to be able to use the built-in one,

    especially for landscapes. It's heavier than a TLR, but if your a photographer looking to

    take great photos rather than a photo nostalgic, it's the only way to go...(he, he).

  3. The only problem with this approach, is that if the procession is moving, people will

    be frozen and then the torch will move. It will look like as if the procession is moving

    backwards, since the flames will create stripes forward. On a modern pro camera, you

    could do second curtain sync, wich would reverse the effect, but with the 'flex, this is

    impossible. Taking the photo from the front of the procession and bacwards could

    reduce the effect, but it takes a better photographer than me to solve this. (Or you

    could stop everybody, and ask them to walk backwards. LOL.)

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