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Posts posted by dwscott78

  1. All this information is great. Thanks. I was thinking about the laptop for versatility and freedom but I may just look into a better desktop. I currently have a Compaq Presario that's almost 10 years old so anything will do better than that. I was hoping to use the laptop to be able to show my photo's to "Clients". I say that because I just started and anyone that pays me is basically friends or friends of friends. I just figured that I could bring that somewhere and show them my portfolio or results of their shoot.
  2. I've been trying to find a remote shutter release for my Maxxum 5D but

    everywhere I go says they don't carry it anymore. Are the accessories for the

    Sony Alpha 100 the same for the Maxxum 5D? This also goes for external flashes

    and other lenses. I'm worried that I won't be able to find what I need for my

    camera because it's now discontinued. I checked out the Sony website and it

    doesn't say much about this. Does anyone have a list of compatible accessories?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



  3. I'm a beginner photographer and I'm getting into the digital aspect. I have a

    computer now with photoshop 7 but it's old and been running real sluggish. I

    want to buy a laptop but don't know what specifications to look for that will

    benefit me as a photographer. I basically only use my computer for photos,

    graphics, internet....


    All I hear about it Apple's for this type of stuff, but I wanted to get another PC.


    Any information would be great. Thanks in advance.

  4. I haven't been able to find a remote shutter release for my Maxxum 5D. I

    assume this is due to the recent news of Minolta discontinuing the digital

    camera market. I searched on Ebay and wasn't able to find anything. Can

    anyone suggest where I might be able to find one? Or if another camera's

    remote shutter release might work in it's place? Thanks in advance for your


  5. Dean: "Well, really Dave, no one is required to critique another persons photos".


    I know that no one is required, but when you post a photo in the section that says "Request a critique", typically you'd expect a critique. I mean, the members that these photo's are being emailed to asked to be a "photo reviewer".


    Peter: I never took any photo's down. As a matter of fact, I'm adding a couple more tonight.


    Everyone Else: I'm not trying to be an a$*hole by saying this stuff but it's just frustrating. I actually do give my comments to a lot of photo's. Mostly positive but if I can see something that I would change or do different I say it.

  6. What's the deal with people just giving ratings? When I ask for a

    photo critique I also ask for people to comment on the photo, not

    just rate it. To me, a rating means nothing. I can't learn from a

    rating. I can learn if someone tells me what they think of the photo.


    Maybe my pictures aren't good enough for people to comment on but

    isn't that the point of posting photo's on this site.


    To be honest, I'm getting sick and tired of people rating a photo but

    not commenting on it.

  7. I'm in the process of starting to organize all my photo's and

    negatives. I don't have many because I'm a beginner but the ones

    that I have, I want to be able to protect the negatives and easily

    access the photos. What I was planning on doing was categorizing

    all my photos (nature, wildlife, vacation, holidays, etc...). Then

    each negative would have a number (1 to whatever) and be filed in a

    3 ring binder. Then I would write the number of the negative on the

    back it's corresponding photo. That way if I'm looking at a photo

    and I want to make a duplicate or enlargement, I can just go to my

    binder and find the negative.


    Does this make sense to anyone? Any suggestions to improve and make




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