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Posts posted by miztli

  1. <p>In the link <a href="http://www.mattdentonphoto.com/cameras/ricoh_supershot.html">http://www.mattdentonphoto.com/cameras/ricoh_supershot.html</a><br>

    There is one with the same lens as your camera. So I guess there are at leat these two versions,<br>

    I dont believe it has a high value, it is not sought by users or collectors. You can always look for the value of the last transactions in ebay to have an idea.<br>

    Good luck with your camera.</p>

  2. <p>I have a camera of the same model that yours. The light measuring button works fine but the batteries lasted only for two film rolls and the local repairman told me that that is the problem with that model. Now I dont use the included light meter anymore. So perhaps is not bad news that you camera button does not work.</p>
  3. <p>Hi Kristi,<br>

    If you have a TTL (Trough The Lens) prism light meter you can take a measurements with this lens to a evenly illuminated scene and then place a lens with marked apertures, point to the same scene and vary aperture it until you get the same reading. I hope this is of some help.<br>

    I just visited you pictures and I liked them, they are excellent. Congratulations.<br>


  4. <p>I do have a small Agfa collection<br>

    Agfa Silette w Agnar lens<br />Agfa Super Silette w Apotar lens<br />Agfa Super Silette w Solagon lens<br />ANSCO Super Regent w Solinar lens<br />Agfa Click<br />Agfa Isola<br />Agfa Isoly w Agnar lens<br>

    I would like to add a Isolette, hopefully some day.</p>


  5. Hi Cliff,


    I will appreciate if you post your FINAL fix to the leaks in the oldest back.


    I just got a camera with that back. It is a Ikonta 520 with a Novar Anastigmat f6.3 75mm lens in a Derval dial-set shutter.


    Nice restoration and congratulations on getting back to life a more that 75 years old treasure.


    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I have never had that luck.


    Mosture and electronics is a bad mix if it powered.


    If there is dirty in the camera electronics you can whash it with distillated water and wait until is completely dry to test it.


    I suggest you to try, chances are that will work after cleaning it.

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