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Posts posted by httpwww.photo.netphoto1664877429

  1. Once the subject is in focus it keeps it in the same spot and it will

    not refocus until the photometer is off, about 8 seconds later, or

    until I turn the camera off an on again. It happens in all kinds of

    light situations, in such situations I am not keeping the shooter

    pressed. It happens intermittently and started when I got the MF26,

    may be a coincidence, happens in S, C, in spot or wide area

    autofocus. Or may be something normal?. I am not so confident with

    the technicians here in Bolivia and I woudnt like to send the camera

    if that is a normal behavior.

    Thank you in advance

  2. I just got bouth of these excelent lenses, I was thinking to trade

    the 180 because i think may be redundant with the 80-200 in order to

    get a 24-85 f2.8-4 or a 24 f2.8. The question is: Do you think I

    should keep this wonderfull lense or trade it?. My other lenses are

    a 105 DC f2, and a 28-105 f3.5 I have a FE2 an a N90s. My

    photography is mainly landscapes an portratres.

    Thank you in advance.

  3. I would like your opinion about this two speedlights, y plan to use

    one of then for outdoor fill flash and for photography in family

    reunions. bouth are around 70 $ at Keh, used. another option is a SB

    24, about 110$. I dont know if worth invest in more expensive one

    like a SB 26 for amateur use.

    thank you in advance.

  4. Elliot.

    I end having this extrange mixture doing trades one lense for another for instance a 85 F1.8 plus 100U$ I got the 105 DC.

    The 28-105 is the product of the exchange of a Minox for a Rolley, the lense was the plus.

    You can see my photos at:http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=396698


  5. I have a N90s a F3HP with MD4 an a FE2 my lenses are a 28-105 AF

    24-120AF, 105.f2DC AF, a 35-70 AF. I don`t have a flash and I want

    a 70-300 or a 80-200.

    I will like to know what would you do.

    Sell one bodie, wich one? (mi lenses are all AF).

    Sell the two redundant lenses (Won get too much for them).

    Keep all and save for the tele and the flash.

    Avoid the tentation of the tele or the flash.

    mi photography is basically landscapes and portrates.

    thank you all in advance.

  6. Lately I have been doing business with a pro photographer and I have

    trying a 28-200 2.8 macro. that I guess I will get cheap,from him,

    around 300 dollars, The glass is perfect the photos are ok, the AF

    is fast. But when I shake it sounds like some thing big is loose

    inside or in the barrel. The question is if the wear could produce

    such sounds or if it is normal. What would you do. I know that you

    could say dont shake it.

  7. I was trying to fire a SB26 in P and Ps portrait with my N90s and the

    time that takes to close the curtain is too long +- 15 sec. after the

    flash .

    Changing the flash to a SB 24 does not change the situation.

    The Camera works well with the flash in A or M modes.

    Thank you in advance.

  8. This is not a camera vs cameras post. But I would like to know what

    is you opinion about this situation.

    Actually I have a N90S an a F3 with motor drive.

    I have a friend that has a F5 heavily used (he is a pro and has owned

    it for about five years). This weekend I have the opportunity to

    shoot with the F5 I feel it lithe bit heavy with a 80-200. The camera

    is a tank and make My N90 and F3 look like toys.

    Do you really think that I should make the change (give my two

    cameras for the F5) ?

    Thank you in advance for you advise.

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