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Posts posted by onelostsoul

  1. Hi,


    I did a search but didn't quite find what I was looking for.


    I've been thinking about picking up a Speed Graphic but I'm not sure

    what to do with the negs/transparancies after I get them processed?

    I have an Epson 4180 flatbed scanner and it does a great job with my

    6x6 film(with and without the carrier) but what would I do with the

    4x5 neg?


    I've scanned the 6x6 on the bed as a reflective to see if it works

    and it does...but with much to be desired. The 4180 only came with

    carriers for MF and 35mm. What do most folks scan their LF negs with?


    Any advice or suggestions on settings or other options (other than

    buying a LF scanner)?

  2. Im not sure what lens i used....might have been a 24-120vr. If you want to stop action, you will need a fast shutter speed, which im sure you already know. I usually shoot on aperature priority mode(not usually stopped down too much).
  3. "he is sharp but some of the other people are blurred."




    ...Believe it or not, That was hand-held @ about 1/2sec...a simple result of a long shitter speed. The man on the bike was static while everyone else was on the move.

  4. ...No - YOU are!!! No YOU are!! NO YOU ARE!!! what a bunch of pathetic LOSERS!!! I get angry at myself every time i even think about visiting this page and even more angry after i do. Honestly...you all need a severe BITCH SLAP!! Get some self integrity and quit worrying about what the f**k other people are doing. You people make me wanna barf..


    PS- what M and lens should i get? (for all those that 'dont get it' thats a joke)


    PPS- Al, your shots are pretty cool.<div>00Bkx2-22728584.jpg.ea0d6d221ad2eb8f2ca7981b6f1b957b.jpg</div>

  5. >>"i think the question should be why you took the shot in the first place and then went to all that effort in PS.


    PS. did someone kick chucks' cage or is it a**hole day at photo.net?"


    good question, Mark...the answer is that it wasnt any effort at all...actually quite amusing. And secondly, like i mentioned earlier, whats even worse than me going to 'all that effort' is the fact that a lot of you, drawn like moths to a flame, respond to my childish antics...


    i dont remember where i heard this phrase but i think it applies here:


    "Dont believ half of what you hear, and none of what you see..."


    ..oh yeah, now i remember...Lou Reed. Saw him in B&H not long ago...


    anyway...you figure it out for y**rs*lf, Mark

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