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Posts posted by david_bolduc

  1. OT. I thought your pictures from your last posts with the CV 40 were taken at Carolina University, but now I'm sure. I went to school there in the early 1980's, and I recognize the places you've photograph. By the way, I like your shots. I've been thinking of the Bessa R3a/R2a and this lens, and I appreciate your contributions.
  2. I replaced all the foam in my MX using Jon's kit, and everything worked out well. Just be careful not to get any of the old gunk on the plastic focusing screen. I put a small piece of lens tissue over my focusing screen during the replacement to protect it. Should any of the old sticky foam get anywhere, remember to only use 99% alcohol to clean because inferior alcohol may dissolve plastic parts like the focusing screen. And how do I know this? Well I dissolved the fine etchings on my Pentax ME Super focusing screen, and I had to have the screen replaced. Luckily with the MX, replacement of the focusing screen is easy to do yourself.
  3. Very nice pictures. I have two Me Supers and a MX along with the 28mm f3.5 lens you mentioned. Despite the fact that these are older cameras, I still really enjoy using them. The pictures that come out of these cameras and smc lenses are really wonderful. I redid all the light seals recently on all three cameras, and now I'm good to go for another 25 years.
  4. It says 2.5 degrees in photoshop (Image/Rotate/Arbitrary/2.5* cw). Sure looks more than that to me. This comes from a brand new camera-a Christmas gift. There's definitely a quality control problem with the viewfinder (misalignment for sure). I actually had another point and shoot camera with me at the same time while testing this camera, and the other pictures came out all level. Definitely not "user error."
  5. Thanks for the suggestion Les, I'll check out Thumbs Plus. To answer your question regarding the scan times for the DSE 5400, I just went ahead and did a test scan on a properly exposed negative. It took just 60 seconds to do a plain 2700 dpi scan; however, the same negative took 7 minutes with ICE turned on. I have to admit that it does a very nice job correcting scratches and removing dust; much better and faster than I could do by hand. Slides are probably 25% faster but I didn't test it this evening since I'm in the process of scanning 4 rolls of film using the batch function.
  6. I've had my DSE 5400 scanner for about a year, and I've been very pleased with it. Just in the last few months I completed over 40 years worth of old family slides. This amounted to well over 1200 slides. All in all, I've probably scanned several thousand frames of film. After all of that work I've observed that scanning well-exposed slides with ICE is reasonably fast (<5 minutes), but negatives can take a few minutes longer. One of the things I liked best about the DSE 5400 is that ICE worked very well for the Kodachrome 64 slides which made up the bulk of my work. I guess if I had to do it again, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another DSE 5400. On the other hand, if you plan to do a lot of negatives, I've read that the Nikons are faster in this capacity. Still, for around $600, you can't go wrong with the Minolta.
  7. After B&H packaged my Christmas gift, Fedex delivered it in two days! Normally, I would just open the box, and start playing with my new camera toy! Now I have to wait until Christmas morning to enjoy it. Here is the tracking info.


    Dec 24, 2004 12:07 pm


    Delivered GREENSBORO NC


    12:07 pm



    8:18 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery




    8:15 am Arrived at FedEx Destination Location




    Dec 23, 2004 10:15 am


    Left FedEx Sort Facility




    1:53 am Arrived at Sort Facility




    Dec 22, 2004 10:20 pm



    Left FedEx Origin Location



    BROOKLYN NY 6:09 pm


    Picked up by FedEx

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