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Posts posted by wen_lin

  1. Dave: I'm not sure how you always manage to write such long and comprehensive responses to questions, but I'm sure glad you do. I understand a bit more about using flash, but I guess it's up to me to learn more. I kindda know wat I need, I am looking out for SB-24s and sk-14 and sb-16 and as-17s. It's a matter of which I get first.


    Which metz or sunpak flash that I can use with my F3 with TTL ?

  2. David:

    Your 2 US cents is worth about 4 AU cents. Quite a fortune to me. Thanks a lot.


    As I said, I do not know much about flash photography. I do have a F3P that has a non-ttl hotshoe. Should I consider using that instead ? If I do use the sc-14, is there a specific flash bracket that I have to use?


    The main reason that I am asking is because I want to try taking some photos for the Spring fashion show. I have never done it fashion shows before. Just want to try it out. My photos are mainly outdoors and I have learnt to live without flash for sometime.


    Thanks to everyone with their response :)

  3. I do have to say that flash photography is something that I know little about. I usually just tell my subject to move to somewhere where there is little light. The SB-16A is AU$299, about US$200. Not a bargain at all.


    And I just realised that the AS-17 is bl@@dy expensive !!! and I still have to cough up money for a flash !


    So many thing to get, so little money.


    Now...if only I can get some money from my photos.....

  4. I have 2 F3 which I use all the time, and a F801 which I rarely

    touch nowadays. I would like to get a flash to do indoor shots. I

    have seen a SB-16A 2nd hand in a shop. I do not know much about

    flash photography, and I was wondering of it would be a good buy.


    I prefer using the F3 to F801.


    Please offer me some advise.



  5. The word you are looking for is depth of field. There are 3 fators that control depth of field. Distance, apeture, and the type of lens used.


    with 85mm at 7 meter and even wide open, the focus is near infinity, which is why there the background is not as as blurred as you would like it to be. If the person is nearer, and the focus is nearer, you would be able to have a shallower depth of field


    Try it out :)

  6. I just gota Coolscan IV, and I have set up everything and installed

    the software. when I start Nikon scan, it tells me


    "Scanner has reported a hardware error + blah blah blah"


    I have tried the same thing on another PC with a different OS and it

    still happens.


    I would appreciate any help I can get on this problem.


    Thanks !



  7. I have been thinking about getting an F5 for a long time. A few months ago, I saw an F5 at for sale at a good price on consignment. I thought about it for a week, then decided on Sat to see if I can get a good price for my F3T or F3P as a trade in. The guy who I spoke to would only give me peanuts. I thought about it for one day and decided that I will just put a deposit on it and try to pay it off in 2 months. I went in on Monday (they don't open on Sundays) and it was gone ! I have been yearning for a F5 ever since.


    The moral of the story is.... GET AN F5 !

  8. No vertical grip for D70 (not now, maybe not ever)


    I work at a camera store and I swore to myself that I will get the first D70 that got shipped into the store. After selling about 4 kits, I still haven't bought one yet, all for a simple reason : The viewfinder. Even before the camera was released, there were many comments about the small and dim viewfinder that I felt was nonsense. The bottom line is "D70 is has good features at a price that I can afford for a DSLR". However, when I got my hands on 1, it didn't feel right and I couldn't figure out why till I put it side by side with my F3 (with HP). It took me a while to realise that it was the viewfinder. The bottom line is that I wear glasses and I have been spoilt by the HP finder on my F3. I think the 300D is even worst! My eye gets cramped up when I look throught the finder.


    Despite all these, I think the D70 is a great camera for the price. I highly recommend it over the 300D. But it is just not the right camera for me. I have not been able to get my hands on a D2H so I can't comment on it.

  9. F3T, F3P (both with MD-4, CP4500, Olympus Mju II

    24mm F2.8 50mm F1.8, 85mm F1.8 , Tamron 28-105 F2.8, 300mm F4, TC-200


    Not all that much gear. Wanna get a 80-200 F2.8, 105mm Macro and F5


  10. I was under the spider when I was taking the photo. I was on a location workshop with my class. I don't have any flash, and to be honest, using flash is the worst part of my photography (i.e. I don't know much about it !!).


    I use a pair of F3 for most of my work, sometimes my F801 comes in, but generally I prefer the F3. I was going to use a reflector, but I forgot to pack it, and besides, I am not going o haev anyone to help asist me. All my classmates are busy taking photos. As much as I would like the 200mm macro, there is no way in hell I can afford it. I would like to get a focusing rail though. But John Shaw's book I am definately getting....soon....




    thanks guys and shoot on !

  11. This is my first macro shot, scanned slide Elite chrome 100. The

    colour might come out weird as my monitor is f***ed and colour comes

    out funny, so I can't colour correct or anything. I used it with my

    300mm F4 stopped down to F11 with about 62mm of extension tude.


    Another question... I manage to find a deal for a new 105mm macro

    Sigma. Should I go for it ? or stick to Nikon ?

  12. I'll keep the F5. The current F5 is the same as it was 2 years ago.

    2 years later there might be a D7000,000 which is 700000 times better than the D70.


    Digital cameras are like fashion, newer ones come out each year. It's hard to know when to get one. I guess it's when the heart, mind and wallet says yes.


    But I'll definately take the F5 over the D70. If it was the D2H...thats another matter

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