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Posts posted by keith_baker1

  1. Hi Folks,

    I print B&W at home and want to obtain the blackest blacks with no color tints/tones in the image. I have tried selenium but the image took on a 'color', the images without selenium also have a 'color'. I want BLACK and white - no tone whatsoever. I use Ilford MG IV RC and Oriental Seagal RC. I develop with ethol 1:4 for 1- 2 minutes. I would appreciate any advice which I can use.

    Thanks in advance. Keith

  2. Hi,

    I'm considering a purchase of a 90mm lens for my 4x5. I understand that with some wide angle lens there is sufficient light fall off at the edges that a special filter is used to correct for this. Does a 90 mm need such a thing or does it depend on the image circle such that a SW 90 mm would need one and a regular 90mm would not. Thanks for you input.





  3. I think you are mixing apples and oranges. The agfapan 25 is a much

    finer grained film than Tmax100. To do the comparison you would need

    to use agfapan 25 in sheet film(I don't know if it exists). If your

    looking for zero grain use sheet film versions of Technical Pan 25 by

    Kodak. I personally have not used it - I use only T-max 100 in

    XTOL. As well you can't do the whole movement thing with your 6x6

    normal camera. My friend has a fancy Rollei and he gets awesome

    images with his medium format camera. I bet you do too. To outdo

    the medium format with LF I suppose you'll need to resort to finer

    grain film, very large prints, contact printing the neg, camera

    movements or the use of indivual sheet development with the zone

    system. I don't think your question is heretical but rather based on

    technical limits of the medium. I'd like to here other ideas on this

    intersting question. Keith

  4. Hi,

    I'm new to LF and just acquired a used 4x5. I'm interested in obtaining a filter system for the thing as well. My current, and only lens is a symmar-S 150/5.6. I went to LF for a number of reasons and one of them is image quality. Someone recommended using the Tiffen system with the square filters that drop in. My main concern is loss of image quality since the image goes through a hunk of plastic. I could use screw-in glass but that gets pricey. Does anyone have any info on loss of image quality (sharpness) with the plastic square things from Tiffen or the gelatins from Kodak? Thanks for your input.

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