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Posts posted by david_chong2

  1. Lots has been posted on the 8-element (1st version) 35 Summicron here & elsewhere- you might like to do a search. It's generally highly regarded for its imaging qualities- good resolution; lower contrast than current 35s; smooth tonal rendition/ gradation; nice rendition of out-of-foucs areas; excellent construction & build quality in brass mount. Infinity lock. Looks good too. As to why it's so expensive....?
  2. I have both a later button-rewind (button stays down till film advance lever actioned) & a lever rewind M2. The button-rewind body has no self-timer & if anything provides a better grip. Haven't found any difference in reliability, except, as has been pointed out, that the button can get pushed down accidentally. However this doesn't usually cause any problems.

    Leica lore has it that one bodies with serial number >1,xxx,xxx are "better"- can anyone substantiate this?

  3. A summary of what Celia means-

    (1) "Summicron" is the Leitz/ Leica designation for a classical symmetrical lens design with

    max aperture f2

    (2) "Summicrons" come in

    - 28mm (current M mount aspheric)

    - 35mm (5 versions, current one has aspherical element),

    - 40mm (Summicron-C; 1 only designed for the CL);

    - 5cm/50mm (thread mount collapsible, thread mount rigid- super rare; M mount

    collapsible, M mount rigid, M mount dual range; M mount tabbed; current one is


    - 75mm (current apochromatic),

    -90mm (thread mount, 3 M-mount versions- somebody confirm this! Current one is

    aspheric/ apochromatic)


    (3) Can we assume you're looking for a 5cm/ 50mm 'Cron?

  4. Thanks for the responses; particularly to Ronald & Bruno. The shot was taken on Portra NC, which I use in Malaysia (instead of VC) 'cos the light is clear, bright & contrasty & colours are vivid. I'm trying to learn to scan (Nikon 5000ED) & Photoshop & looks like omitting the first step of calibrating the monitor ain't helping much. I haven't got a lab print to compare with. Grateful to anyone who can point me in the direction of a good Photoshop tutorial.
  5. The NOOKY-HESUM (HEktor-SUMmar) is essentially an extension tube & when locked into

    it, the lens is focused by rotating the extension tube helicoid rather than the lens helicoid

    (hope I'm making sense). The viewfinder overlay frame provides some parallax correction.

    It's OK in use; to focus I find it better to move the camera forwards or backwards rather

    than use the helicoid. Stopping down is essential 'cos of the limited depth of field. Goes

    without saying that a LTM isn't really cut out for closeup/ macro.

    BTW the NOOKY only fits the 5cm Elmar. The NOOKY-HESUM will also fit the Summitar.

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