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Posts posted by jerry_plemons1

  1. I recently had a 50mm f2 Summicron SMT collapsible lens CLA'd due to

    it having a very stiff focusing mount. Upon return, the lens was

    just as stiff if not more so. The glass was perfect as was

    everything else but the focusing. It is so stiff that it unscrews

    from my IIIF when I try to focus it. So, I am looking for one of two



    1. Where can I get it be repaired? There is no apparent physical

    damage to the focusing mount (no dings, dents, etc)?

    2. Another lens of this same type with a smooth focusing mount in

    reasonably good physical condition and good glass.


    Thanks in advance for your advice.

  2. Ft. Worth built a very nice and quite large new facility for their modern art collection. I believe it does contain what used to be in the old MMA across from the Museum of Western Art. The new museum is across from the Kimball.
  3. I really appreciate the comments and agree that the pose is very un-natural. I have done some portrait studio work under controlled conditions, but working outside is very new to me. Here's another pose shot at the same time, but a little more relaxed. Thanks again for your comments.<div>007eZj-16983484.jpg.92130b1ae366e88733470be40117d3d6.jpg</div>
  4. I recently purchased a thread mount 90mm f4 Elmar Nr. 1035766. I am

    curious as to when this lens was manufactured and how it rates in

    contrast and sharpness with more modern Leica offerings. This sample

    seems to be pretty soft at f4, but begins to crisp up a little around



    Jerry Plemons

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