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Posts posted by shel_belinkoff2

  1. Many people use the M3/35mm lens combination in that manner and find the results acceptable. I suppose, if you can, your best bet would be to see if it works for you. Depends on how and what you photograph.


    I put a 35mm lens on my M3 by accident a few weeks ago, and went ahead and made a few photos with it. I was not disappointed in the results. If I want or need very accurate framing, I'll use an SLR.


    On a similar note, there's a fellow I know of who uses a 28mm lens on his M3, with no auxiliary finder. He uses that setup when photographing fast breaking events, such as demonstrations, with the idea that he can shoot quickly, not worry too much about focus, and that he'll crop or adjust the photo later on.

  2. > I had my 1st one CLA'd by Sherry Krauter

    > at Golden touch, it came back clean as a

    > whistle and smooth as silk.


    Sherry did mine, too. She replaced the chipped vulcanite with some original vulcanite ... beautiful job ... I didn't expect to get the camera recovered in vulcanite. Very pleased!


    Anyway, can't say enough good things about Sherry's work ... and she's a hoot to talk with on the phone as well. She'll get my M2 in a few weeks, as well.


    Kind regards from M3 Land ...

  3. Hi, and welcome to the wonderful world of M3 photography.


    The bluish tint in the finder is as it should be. I believe it's that way to increase contrast. In time you will find it makes for very easy focusing.


    If, after using the camera for a while, you decide to keep it, send it to a reputable shop for a thorough CLA, unless you know for sure it's been cleaned recently.


    kind regards ....

  4. > why do people pay such a premium on a leica system?

    > i can understand people collectting

    > but i don't see why anyone would pay such a premium

    > for the system to take pictures with except for the

    > no batteries aspect, but can buy alot of batteries

    > with the money you save.


    Well, as you mentioned there is the build quality of most Leicas. And of course, there's personal preference.


    I use Leicas because there are innumerable lenses available for them, from many manufacturers, both screw mount and LTM. I like the idea that I can still get my old cameras repaired, and better yet, that they rarely need repair. My 50 +/- year old M's still work beautifully.


    I like the quiet, unobtrusive way they work. No whirring motors, no flashing lights in the viewfinder to cause distractions ... and the view through the finder is wonderful. With many lenses on many models of the M series, you can see what is happening outside the frame of the shot, and can therefore anticipate pretty easily what will be happening when the exposure is made.


    I like my Leicas, and will pay a premium for them, because they suit me. Buy y'know, one needn't spend a lot of $$ for a Leica. There are plenty of good used ones on the market that will last a long time with just a minimum of maintenance and care.


    kind regards,


    Shel Belinkoff

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