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Posts posted by ray_wilson1

  1. Michael B.,


    Crikey! You are right. I took hundreds of pictures during my Texas trip. Only a few D100 pictures were converted to B&W. My M7 practically lives with a roll of TRI-X loaded, so I assumed the gate was from the Leica. No deliberate deception intended.


    Meanwhile, I've attached a certified, bonafide Leica photo. The 'fence' is the gate to the Star Brand Ranch outside Kaufman. TMAX 100 in this instance.





  2. Stuart,


    The wrinkled curtain *must* have some effect, although I am not the camera repairer you'd hoped would answer. I can say this; I have a Canon F1n with a somewhat bent up (metallic) curtain. It has delivered perfect photos, even slides, which I'd expect to see exposure problems revealed. Too, I have a Olympus OM-1 that looks like somebody put their thumb through the curtain, then had a go at straightening the mess out. No trouble with that camera either.


    Is this camera you are considering a big ticket item, like a Leica?





  3. Justin,


    Yup, that picture of the motorcycle was taken wide open at f3.5. And by the way, that is 'old' TRI-X, bought off eBay as well. There is a seller that auctions 'bricks' of TRI-X for cheap. It is at or near expiration date, and is the last version of TRI-X versus the latest. Fine by me!


    Best regards,



  4. Andy,


    Yes, the take up spool is plastic. But the OM series is most known for cracked or broken flash shoes. I have one camera that has very little plastic: Leica M7. But you could buy dozens of OM-1s' off eBay for what it cost.



  5. Heller,


    Welcome to the UK... I'm an "Expat" as well. Where in England are you going to be? Calumet is in business here. Jessops is big, although with the exchange rate, expensive. Recommend you buy any big ticket items before you arrive. If you are into classic cameras, there is a concentration of shops around the British Museum in London. Again, expensive.


    Ray in Sunny Cambridgeshire.

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