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Image Comments posted by yasumasa_yanagisawa

    Wetzlar Candid

    This is the best among other children's. I like it very much. I can feel the sound of shutter as welll as the quiet street of Wetzlar.

    Thank you for visiting my photo, Len. My apologies, I did not follow up comments long time. Now I am going to use 135mm lens for Large Format in my folder Brass Lens Paradise, a trial for 19th Century way.

    too much skinship

    I wonder why there are a lot of 3 or 4 ratings. Don't they feel this love? Then what else? Color? Sharpness? Contrast? Composition? Is there any meaning to rate by these condition, ignoring this key sentiment that Margaret mentioned? Then what is photograph? What is rating?

    Once photo.net was a place of warm correspondence between responsible members. But now the place of irresponsibles by anonymity..

    rush hour


    It shows also the limit of this camera against strong contrast. You had better wait until next generation model. But it would appear may be tomorrow.

  1. Well, Ben, I am not a collecror but I have had a lot of experiment by verious cameras and lenses (some are mine, some are not). That started from my curiousity mainly about lenses. So I tried so many old lenses on my camera (Leica, ContaxSLR etc.) by the help of adapters that enable to mount lenses of different brand. Also I tried many classic cameras. My folder "Candid" is the result of my quest.

    Now I am concentrating my effort to large format camera because that enables far wider choice of lenses, even 19C lens is possible. Of course, it needs some old equipment and some know-how but every one of them are actually the same as used by our ancestor at the time. I am only following their way, though sometimes it's troublesome and needs longer time than modern equipment. Its process surely makes me feel the spirit and the wisdom of ancestor. This folder is the record of my experiment.

    Thank you for your attention, Ben. Here I show you the "Adapter chart" I made and published in a book 5 years ago. I am always ready to answer to your curiosity. Thank you again. yan

  2. that I could have such a sensitive watcher and adviser like you. I have been following your former suggestion of "emulsion side down" way, but sometimes the film warps by the heat of scnner. This time I became aware of it barely by your point out here. I will try "glass way" some day. Thank you.
  3. Thank you, Jim. I am getting these lenses mainly from aucton. My theory is simple: the cheaper the better, because the function of old lens is not so different by brand. The best and the cheapest way is to borrow it from somebody. (^-^)
  4. I followed the movement of this woman and I got her while the camera was moving. So, I think this was a success, her face stopped though it was not clear because of the slow shutter, may be slower than 1/25. Blur in the other part was within my expectation and there was no other choice for 70 years old full manual camera and ASA400 film. Thank you, again for your attention.
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