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Posts posted by b_kosoff

  1. I scan with a Creo IQSmart3, and it produces what is basically a RAW scan. I can then open that RAW scan into whatever manner I want, however even when I know my ultimate goal is a B&W image I still output it as 16 bit RGB. This gives me the most useable information and bit depth. If I need to make drastic tone alterations instead of doing it to one Gray channel (if it were not an RGB file) and possibly getting tonal clipping, a "comb" effect on the histogram, I can make differing alterations to each RGB channel, and then when I do convert the file to appear monochrome ( appearance only, it's still an RGB file) those differing color channels are far less likely to produce a comb effect.
  2. <p>Thanks for the replies. I'm already aware of the advice given, I've done star trails before and own a power interface, etc. I was just hoping there was some method of doing a long time exposure that didn't drain the battery.<br>

    I guess I'll need to use the 10 AA battery pack I have for the power interface or use the NiMH cells upgraded battery packs. I just recently upgraded to the NiMh cells but have yet to really test them. The reliance on electronics of these cameras is both a curse and a blessing in disguise.</p>

  3. <p>I just changed over one of my battery packs using the replacement kit sold on e*ay. The way the wiring works with the replacement kit, unless you add a small jumper wire positive contact #1,( the one on the far left with the fuse above the contacts) is no longer connected. It is the slow charge connection and is also attached to the fuse. Si this a problem?<br>

    Also the output voltage after a charge with the rollei charger N is 11.11 volts. This seems too high. I am hesitant to plug this battery back into my camera.<br>

    Has anyone tested the voltage output on this new battery set up?</p>


  4. I own the 180 Sironar-S, 180 Sironar-N and the 180 makro Sironar. I have tested all three lenses at infinity and I can tell you as a

    statement of fact that the 180mm makro is not acceptable for infinity focus. Compared to the other two at infinity it is quite soft, period. As

    a macro lens, it's great.

  5. Is there a simple or easy way to scan 6x17 negs or chromes with a Nikon Coolscan 9000? It seems that

    the hardware is capable of doing it as the film holder for MF film allows for such a large area and the

    scanner itself has coverage of the full area. yet the software limits you to only scanning 6x4.5 to 6x9. You

    end up having to do many scans and stiching them. Does anyone have this process down to a science?


    Or am I stuck buying an Imacon?

  6. The paranoia regarding photography doesn't just extend to photographs of government

    buildings and trains, try taking photos of kids playing in a public park. I don't photograph

    people, partly because it's such a hassle to do so, however I have read enough stories

    about people who enjoy photographing people, be it kids or adults, who at the very least

    get seriously confronted by the parents or have the police confront them.


    The common assumption today if you are out doing photography is not that you're a

    photography enthusiast but that you are possibly a terrorist or pedophile. This

    misconception has been perpetuated by the Government, which uses fear to force

    otherwise objectionable laws and policies down our throats, like the "Patriot"act and illegal

    wiretapping by the Bush administration, and the media who get better ratings when they

    have a scary story to tell. Fear is perhaps the biggest motivator that can be used to

    manipulate people. Notice who many well publicized "orange alerts" we had prior to the

    2004 election? Even former head of Homeland security Tom Ridge said that the vast

    majority of them were completely unnecessary. Have there been any "orange alerts" since

    the election?


    While the average american worries about his neighbor being Al qaeda, the government is

    selling away our security in mass. Al qaeda's 9/11 attack was far more successful than

    they could have hoped, they have changed the mentality, philosophy and even the laws of

    America and have made our society closer to their ideals.

  7. The Fuji GX617 does not require the use of batteries for the shutter. The batteries are only

    used for the electromechanical shutter release on the camera body. If you are going to use

    the camera on a tripod with a cable release you can merely plug the cable release right into

    the lens.

  8. I have a Fotoman 612. While it's a little bit slower to use than my Fuji GX617 system, it

    has some advantages. First you are able to tighten the film by turning both knobs, this

    really helps film flatness, second there are a lot of lenses available for use on it. The

    finders for the Fotoman have been mediocre however a new finder is coming out that

    supposedly has far better optical properties. Personally I prefer to use the GG, which is a

    clever design that magnetically sticks to the film plane.


    Also under development for the Fotoman is tilt/shift capabilities. For me this is a huge

    feature that I am really looking forward to. For the money the Fotoman is a great camera,

    and it's simple design makes it easy to maintain.

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