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Posts posted by wendyholden

  1. Very nice gallery. I agree..the umbrella pic is lovely.


    I have dabbled in wedding photography for the past few years, mostly doing favors for friends. My final wedding of last year involved the Bride from Hell and I almost quit for good. This May, a local photographer called and offered me a wedding of his that he couldn't do. By the end of the day I had fallen in love with the couple, their family and wedding photography in general. What a great experience.





  2. I love the two shots posted. I am also not a fan of the wedding party in the chapel lineup but everyone thinks they want it. I always do a few but then try for something fun. I'd love to hear how other people get groups to loosen up for more natural poses.


  3. As I read this post I am still recovering from a marathon Wedding Photo job on Sunday and I almost shouted "Amen, Sister" outloud. I am a starting out professional photographer (I can almost type that without smirking) and I am still mastering the items on Nancy's list. #7 is the tough one for me. Then again, we all start somewhere. This forum is an amazing resource and I have studied it for months.


    Marc, you seem to be a voice of reason among the sometimes tempermental artists here, how can I find a link to your work?



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