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mikey is my name

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Image Comments posted by mikey is my name



    This was a sensual day. I had to do little art direction, she was comfortable and seemed to

    know what i was looking for... relaxed, sensual and vulneralble



    I took this as it creaped up on me. The wall allows light to come in at certain angles..

    thought it was pretty cool.. the ring reflection of the sun. What do you think?



    I need some advice again on lighting, as well as aestetics. I like

    how I captured her facial expression in shadow of her hair. What do

    you think?



    First photoshoot using lighting. We used a softbox and strobe with

    no natural light. I could use feedback on lighting. What do you

    think of the picture? It was shot for a small comp sheet that I sent

    to an art director that was looking for a model. She landed the job,

    I just knew she would be perfect for it.

    the teacher


    What do you think about this shot? I printed it myself using a

    fiberbased paper. when i took it, she wa actually responding to me

    calling her name, not knowing I was going to take her picture. She

    loves it. any tech. advice? or layout advice? Thank you

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