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Posts posted by 50d-boy

  1. I've been to the web page that shows several sample images from this

    lens on a 10D. They look great. My question is, how much different

    should this prime perform compared to the 18mm f3.5 setting on my 18-

    55 mm kit EF-S lens.


    I will only buy this lens if I can gain qualitative increase in

    performance over the kit lens.


    Are the distortions, and CA problems with either lens a wash? (ie

    not significantly different?)


    I can't afford L zooms so I'm trying to purchase better glass

    through a collection of primes.



  2. To the responses above,..


    It's clear that (insert unreleased lens name here) clearly outpreforms all current Canon lenses. In fact, tests show, next years lens releases clearly outperform everything on the market today.


    I'll wait till the 30D with the 9-85mm f1.8L Kit lens,.......

  3. This a good choice for the kit you have. The lens performs really well, and it would fit your range perfectly. Don't worry about the overlap.


    I'm sure many netters will say this lens is a cut above the kit lenses (cheapies), and quite respectable


    Another step up from here are the primes 50 f1.8 (buy it - don't argue), and the 85mm ( a wee bit expensive)


    The next step,.... L-series addiction (great lenses, stratospheric prices)




    Have fun

  4. As has been stated above,.., digital workflow (post processing) can be very time consuming. Do you shoot RAW? If so what processing do you do? Photoshop7 ? CS? Phase One? Some of these can be automated to batch process common corrections....
  5. I'd have to echo Jean-Baptiste's comments,...., It's not a question of going "back" to film. That's like saying we work in a "paperless office". It's a different medium entirely. Keep a film body as well as the 10D. Exploit the positives of both. It's apples and oranges really. But you've already "spun" the answers you want anyway, by asking not hear "all the reasons not to change". Digital, does not look like film and vise versa. Digital is getting bettter at "simulating" film,..., but at the end of the day it's still just simulation. I love my T90 with FD's. I love my 300D.
  6. There are other systems? ,..., just kidding

    Even Canon users have to switch systems,...., yes I came from the FD system.



    Huge Selection of lenses and bodies

    Quality lenses and bodies.

    Great interchangability,

    Good resale value.

    Appeals to a broad market (neophite to amature to pro)

    Tends to be (at least of late) on the bleeding edge of making us want the next greatest thing. (Read - cutting edge technology)

  7. Evan

    I have the kit lens, and as stated above, USM will take the initial detail captured by the sensor and it will be effective in enhancing certain aspects of it (see Jim Larson's Post). Some expensive glass will record more detail initially. Therefore, it's not really a USM issue. You can't sharpen what's not there. Having said that, I've had good success with photos printed 4x6, 5x7, and even some 8x10 using the kit lens. I've also had crappy results using expensive glass. Ultimately, this rested soley on my abilites, (exposure, focus, composition, e.t.c.).


    Bottom line you can get great shots with the EF-S 18-55 (or any Canon lens), if you know how to shoot with it, and what it's limitations, and strengths are.

  8. Jean-Philippe

    I'm in exactly the same position as you. I have the 300D with the Kit lens. I have looked at both 50 1.8 and the 85 1.8.

    I'm going to purchase the 85 1.8 initially because (as noted in the comments above),the 50 1.8 is not USM and doesn't have FTM. The bokeh is better on the 85 1.8. If fact, I'll probably end up purchasing both.


    The 50 1.4 is in the same price range as the 85 and is marginally better than the 1.8, both in terms of sharpness and colour rendition,..but for my purposes the 1.8 would serve me well enough since the difference in "speed" is minimal, and I can compensate for sharpness and colour in the post production phase, especially shooting RAW.


    Besides, if you shoot film as well the 85 1.8 would be a perfect portrait lens w/o the crop factor as well.



  9. I'd love to compare with an L series.,,,


    Anyone want to let me borrow theirs?,...


    I promise to return it ;-0


    By the way there have been some posts that suggest that the 28-205 (3.5-5.6) was in fact less sharp than the 18-55. I'm a little wary of this since the majority of reviews are quite positive on this mid range zoom. I've heard it's more rugged than the cheapies, and has good optics. I'm considering this lens in addition to the 50 1.8 to add to my bag. Why am I not looking at the 28-135 IS you ask? Or for this matter the L series lenses. My freinds, its all about the $$.


    While were on this subject, ... , any advice from fellow patrons on the 28-200?



  10. I shot a 1951 USAF lens test pattern with the 300D and the Kit lens

    on a tripod outdoors at ISO 100, and at every apeture and at 18, 28,

    38, & 55mm. This was my attempt to find the lens' sweet spot if you



    The best combination of sharpness and contrast came from the

    following settings (best to worse):


    38mm 1/500 @ f8

    28mm 1/500 @ f8

    55mm 1/400 @ f10

    18mm 1/640 @ f7.1


    I wanted to upload some images but they were inadvertently deleted.

    Has anyone else tested the lens? I just wanted to know whether the

    above numbers sound reasonable.



  11. Has anyone implemented this on their 300D's yet?

    "It increases the reliability of RemoteCapture application when the

    camera is used.


    It increases the reliability of operations when used on Windows XP

    and Mac OS X with [PTP] selected in [Communication]. "


    I don't use Remote Capture so I assume the question is moot. I can't

    say I've had any problems with Win XP Pro Communication either.


    Comments ?


    I think we are all waiting for Firmware Update 1.x.x that gives us



    John Souleles

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