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Posts posted by brian_mennear

  1. a friend of mine has recently joined a modelling agency and they have recently

    asked her for photographs of her modelling underwear and swimwear. and she has

    asked me to take them for her.




    I'm going to be using either my dynax 7d dslr or my dynax 9pro slr. i also have

    a basic portable studio with 2 main lights , 2 slave lights (with defuses and

    colour filters). umbrella, small soft box and a reflector. i don't have a

    backdrop though.




    I'm not sure on how to set up my lights for photos like these, have cpl ideas

    on poses and stuff but any help on lighting techniques or poses would be of

    massive help. thanks in advance

  2. hi im am looking to buy a new or second hand automatic camera for

    around 400 pounds and was wondering if any one had any idea of what i

    could be looking at for that amount of cash. the only special

    requirements i want on the camera is that it does NOT have built in

    flash and will work in a photographic studio (studio lighting

    connections) with pro lighting. i would be greatfull for any responce

    u could give me. thank you

  3. i finished college a short time a go doing photography, i used to

    use the photography studio to do all my photoshoots but now have no

    use of it. i want to make a temp light box to use for lighting some

    people and other things till i get bk in to a studio. could some one

    help plz chears

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