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Posts posted by bob_doroh

  1. Im going to australia and am gonna bring my SLR camera but also want

    to get a new Digital, Ive been noticing that most have only 3X

    optical and like 3-5X digital, I know digital zoom is terrible I was

    just wondering what you think of 3X optical, does it really zoom in

    on distant objects and still look good? I know it depends on MP the

    quality, but the displays in stores never have any batteries in them

    so I cant try them out

  2. Im not clear on something, im flying to australia and have changeovers at chicago and lax, do I have to go thru another security checkpoint at each airport? there is only about an hour layover beetween flights so im thinking that you dont but if anyone who is a frequent flyer could let me know id appreciate it
  3. The Major problem with Digital is this, You are severely limited in the amount of pictures you can take, I mean On my 2 Megapixel I bought a couple years ago I have a 128mb card and can only get 125 pictures on the best quality, And these cards cost 60 bucks a piece. Then you only have them on disk or HD then you can either print them out yourself on a home PC which between photo paper and ink will cost a fortune or bring them to a photo shop and have them printed which costs any where from a quarter to 90 cents depending on where you go and if its on sale. But the problem with film on vacation is getting it back unscathed as talked about in numerous posts
  4. OK being to the fact that I have never flown before this may be a

    dumb question, but instead of all this film bags handchecking etc to

    save film can I just fill my coat pockets with all the exposed film?

    would that save it, do we just pass thru metal detectors and does

    anyone know if the magnetic field screws up film

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