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Image Comments posted by reisenberger

  1. Really lovely. I think you have particularly balanced the light and shade well. Each corner is clear - either light or shade - there is no messiness about the distribution of it. The dark base (bottom right) helps the tree, I think; then the light beyond it to the left draws the eye through the picture; the light in the top-right then draws attention to the bales.  Very nice.  I think the balance of light and shade is more the subject even than the tree.  It is not as easy as it looks to make these far-telephoto compositions work - this is balanced and fitted to the frame really very well!


    Dylan Reisenberger

    verde di Maggio


    Super.  The so-smooth transition from stark, hard green at the front to softness at the back, is what makes this work especially for me.  (Mist can be distributed not in this pleasingly smooth way, more jarringly distributed, but this is a lovely morning you have captured.)

    The frayed knot


    I have to concur with Walter et al - this is lovely.


    Of course the diagonals are beautifully placed. But what attracts me is the way the rope disintegrates - it is almost like matted hair - which gives a strong feeling of something organic. And then there is the transition from strength, to decay, back to strength again. Also, do the strong diagonals of the picture (and rigidly straight alignment of the rope) suggest strength ('still hanging on') rather than weakness in the frayed rope? (A picture of a frayed rope, limp, could easily be opposite.) I think the dynamic between the artfully falling frays versus the tautness of the rope could be part of the strength in this picture.


    The colouration too is compelling. Somehow the strong blue does not overwhelm the rope - the rope seems to glow in a silvery manner.


    What do you feel yourself about the stitched, folded part?


    Just lovely - the most refreshing thing I have seen on photo.net today



    Dylan Reisenberger

    Banyan tree

    maybe try for a simpler composition? - there is a lot happening. photographing forest is not easy (I don't have success I am happy with). the best advice I read about photographing forest was from David Ward: to photograph forest you have to tame chaos, complexity and contrast. at least in a forest, even moving a little generates many more composition options.
  2. This is really great. It adds a _lot that there is spray off the top of the sea to the right, against the dark foliage - a sense of action - that the clouds then mirror the dark foliage, and fluff off to something lighter. The path leads into that right-hand side point in a lovely way. Did you do versions with and without the person? I only noticed the person much later, after all the landscape aspects. Maybe it isn't necessary - or perhaps it is hard to see in this small screen version, but will work well in a large print.


    Very very nice overall.


    I would crop it closer at the top, so that there is about as much orange sky as there is dark rocks below, or a little more - make it very low and wide. A little more space behind the person (but not as much as to the left of the sun, so the balance is kept uneven) could also help the stretched, wide feeling.
  3. Matt, this is just great. THe close up of that path just sucks one in. The way the path wiggles towards the tree at the lsat minute is just superlative; the layering from light to dark cloud also a good extra. There are lots of 'absolutely straight' versions of similar scenes out there (straight lines, flat sky); I find this stronger for being different.

    Three (2 1/2)

    v nice. the combination between the blue and yellow is v strong - just right. It is such a shame of course that the nearest tree is not complete (you can't change this, I suppose, unless some angle could soften it). did you have any variants with different clouds? nice rich colour - definitely spring
  4. _Great silvery floor light and people's shadows; I especially like the interplay between the two people on the left, and the stronger, single person on the right that balances it. Great also the way the shadow on the right trails just out of the bottom-right corner, to give the idea of people coming past you, from out of shot. It would be wonderful to have the pyramid and classical building central/symmetrical within the archway. (I have this shot also, but not with nearly as nice aesthetics/light/arrangement of people as you! Very good!)


    Richard- yes, the way the water floats on the sand is a great effect. Is that just from the shadow of the water, presumably? How's the edging (tattered edge) effect round the edging done? - interesting.
  5. something looks artificial? the lighting from the sky (ie from top-right) doesn't seem to be coming from the same direction as would cast the light seen on the chimney/wall and fence-posts in front?

    Jufen Church

    This is great. The clouds make it fantastic! Expansive - the eye can travel around, to follow the clouds out of the top-left, to bounce around the mountains and trees - I find my eyes doing this. Then drawn to the church, bottom right - I don't really want to make any criticism for such a photo, but did you take any minutes earlier? My wish if for, such a little difference, but just a smidge more light on the church in the bottom right! That would make it truly 7/7!
  6. Many thanks for sharing this wonderful photograph! - I like it very much!


    You may be interested to know I have a picture of this same farmhouse in my portfolio - different time of year, different angle, different colour earth! I would like very much like to visit Tuscany again in the season shown in your photograph! Do you know also the beautiful photograph by Charlie Waite of this same farmhouse?


    Thank you for sharing this. Yes - 'sheltered by cypresses' - this is a good title for this location.

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