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Posts posted by shootsonfilm

  1. <p>Hi there. I recently acquired a Linhof Technika. It didn't come with any instructions and I just took a guess on how to operate it. I used the roll back and of course, all the pictures came out blurry. I'm guessing that it's because I have no idea how far to pull the standard out. I pulled it out all the way and that didn't work. I notice that there are four small hole indents or notches where I can pull the standard to and it will stay in place or be locked. I have a 100mm lens and I just can't figure out how far to pull the standard out and which one of those notches to settle the standard.<br>

    I apologize for my newbie question but I've never had a camera like this. Any help would truly be appreciated.<br>



  2. Hello there.


    I'm having problems with my M4-P. I take a few shots and then my

    shutter release button jams and I have to try a few times and then

    it goes down. It happens every few shots. Sometimes it feels as if

    it's locked and will never go down but eventually it always does.

    Any idea what is wrong? Any help would truly be appreciated.

    Sincerely, Gabe

  3. Hello there.


    I've had my R4 for many years. I love it. I just took it out of

    the camera bag to use it and when I advanced the film and then

    placed the crank arm back into position as usual, it fires the

    shutter. It has now been doing this repeatedly. I also pressed the

    small ISO button and that too fired the shutter. Has anyone

    experienced this? Any help would be appreciated. Sincerely, Gabe

  4. Sorry to bother you with this but I'm truly frustrated. I have

    Photoshop 5.5. and Mac OS 9. (Waiting for photoshop 7)..anyway, I am

    having insufficient memory crashes when I scan. It occassionally

    works at 1000dpi but 2000-4000 it starts scanning and when it gets to

    around 66% it crashes and says; Unable to complete...insufficient

    memory. I have tried increasing the memory by highlighting the icon

    and going into get info - memory and increasing there but that is

    still not helping. If ANYONE can help me I would truly appreciate it

    as I have a bunch of Leica Images I need to get into my computer. Let

    me know and any help would truly be appreciated. Sincer

  5. I really need a hand here. I have an older EPSON scanner that is more

    of a flatbed and with an annoying adapter plugged in and some other

    adapters and adjustments, it becomes a film scanner. It's time for a

    change. I need a reasonably price, truly reliable film scanner to get

    my negatives into photoshop. I'm not technically savy when it comes

    to scanners so I need something simple. I am also usins a MAC so USB

    and MAC compatible would be perfect. Any suggestions would truly be

    appreciated. Sincerel

  6. Not having time go into the darkroom lately, I tried printing a

    scanned in negative. After making usual adjustments, all appeared

    fine until I tried to print it. No matter how I set it up to print

    onto my Epston Stylus 875 printer, it alwasy prints out the same size

    in the same place. I will punch in 5 x 7 and it will print out a

    small 2x2 print halfway down against the left margin. Does anyone

    have any ideas on how to correct this? I'm using photoshop. I have

    changed the size in paget set up, adjusted printer dialog box

    different ways, callibrated the printer and still have this problem.

    Any help would truly be appreciated

  7. Hello there. I just pulled out my M3 and went to use it and I was

    unable to focus with it. I am not technical so forgive me ahead of

    time for my explanation. I put on a lens and I move it to focus and

    there is no movement in the viewfinder. I try it over and over.

    Occassionaly it will move as if it is trying to focus but then stops

    as if it's catching the mechanism and then not. Sorry again if this

    doesn't make sense but if anyone knows what I'm talking about, please

    let me know. Thanks

  8. Hello there. I developed two rolls of HP5 today with HC110 developer

    using dilution B. I developed according to recommended times,

    temperature and agitation. Both rolls done in separate tanks both

    came out overly grainy and I have no idea what happened. The

    chemicals were mixed today as well. If anyone has any ideas, please

    let me know. Sincerely, Gabe Sachs. I can be emailed at


  9. Hello there. I am trying to get faster lenses. I have a 35mm

    ASPH which I LOVE! I have a 28 2.8 that I like and I'm looking for

    a 75 1.4 for portraits or another faster lens. Can anyone help me

    out with this. Basically I'm looking for faster lenses and wanted

    to know which people feel are the most useful. Any help would

    truly be appreciated. Thanks

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