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Posts posted by PeterKrenek

  1. Mike, I guess we are not talking about the same thing. I know very well about my community page posting history... I am talking about the listing of images that I get every week by e-mail. You can set this option in "My workspace"..."Site bureaucracy"..."email alerts". There you can set keywords for a photo to appear on your e-mail. Try this, if you are not aware of the possibility. I am not satisfied with the format of the listing I get. There you have no links to photos, only photographer's name and title of the photo. You then have to search through the PN directory, find the user and browse for the photo.
  2. Mark, if there were links to photos, it would be great to copy and paste, but there are none in the Photo Critique mail summary. For your information, here is an example of the "link" to a photo:


    From: David Heiden

    Subject: Belgium Harbor

    Date: 2007-06-17

    Comments and critiques welcome...



    From: Kieran Cunningham

    Subject: Night Sky Prague

    Date: 2007-06-17

    Any Comments Please?



    So, you have to search for the user in the Directory and then try to locate the photo in question. Do you find it convenient ? I do not wish a complex document, the summary may remain in text form, but with links to photos included, that is all.

  3. I would like to suggest what I think would be a useful change in the Photo

    Critique forum weekly summary. It would be better if it were an html document

    with links to photographs, instead of being just a listing of photographers'

    names and photo titles. This way we would not have to search in the PN member

    directory to get the photo in question. The search itself sometimes does not

    give a result, if the user has just an initial instead of the surname. Thank

    you. Peter

  4. Chip, I do not see anything wrong about this. Probably we are not talking about the same thing. You can already choose whether Photo.net is sending you automatic alert on photos. You just select keywords the image info should contain and an e-mail with information about the photographer's name and subject is sent to you as often as you select. This alert does not contain any links, which makes you lose your time searching for the photographer in the PN directory and then finding the photo in question. That was my point.


    the link where you can set up an automatic alert is here:



  5. Hello, in an e-mail photo alert there could be links to photos instead of just

    user name and photo info. This way we would not have to search for users (which

    are sometimes impossible to find with just an initial instead of a surname as I

    have suggested previously - http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?

    msg_id=00Jo3T), but simply click on the link to save time. It might reduce

    server traffic (search would not be necessary), so it might be a convenient

    change. What do you think ? Thank you.

  6. Josh, Bob, thank you for your answers. I have nothing against people listing their initials for privacy reasons. However, I think it should be possible to find them in the database even when they only give their initial. I encounter the searching problem when I try to find people listed in the weekly e-mail alert for photos. This is another "to-do" thing that could be improved without big modifications - there could be links to photos in the e-mail alert - instead of just user name and photo info. This way we would not have to search for users, but simply click on the link. It would also reduce server traffic, so it might be convenient for photo.net administration. What do you think ?
  7. Stephen, Mary, thank you for your feedback. The photo you mentioned was posted as critique-only, however, the comment I got was only incidental and the picture was not on the list. The URL of the Recent Critique Requests (Subscribers' Critique-Only):




    I have just posted a shot called "Glow", Category: Nature, I checked "Submit for Critique Only". You can find it in my "Experimental" folder.


    It did not appear on the above list.


    What do you think ?

  8. Not at all, Bob. You may know the numbers better, but after looking at the Critique forum, I think that there are not so many photographers doing this. It is up to anyone's will to include the notice. But of course, you are right, that if my proposal were to be in effect, such photographers would not get rating approach equal to others. So perhaps my idea was not ideal...
  9. It has been reported that sometimes a good photograph(er) is given deliberately

    low ratings in order to promote other pictures. Would it not be good to change

    the rating system in a way that the anonymous rater (in the Photo Critique

    forum) would not see the identity of the photographer until the rating has been

    given ? Furthermore, the ability to change the rating would be associated with

    a loss of anonymity of the rater. I do not know whether this has been already

    proposed, but I think there is a lot of animosity in the rating system, so some

    kind of change may be necessary. What do you think ?

  10. Bill, I would not put it so harshly, but you are right that difficult accessibility is deliberate. Otherwise the Critique only forum would be visible somewhere. The best thing is to have a choice, but currently there is none. I am not a Critique only enthusiast, but sometimes I wish only critique and not ratings, especially if I know that the image would probably not gather good ratings. As the Rating system is a competition by principle, I want images that I post there to be competitive and devoid of flaws. Critique-only forum can help with that greatly. You can see that, as you put it, most "critique-only enthusiasts" do sometimes submit their photos in the regular rating system and they are successfull, as demonstrated by Carsten Ranke's recent POW. And many Critique-only enthusiasts also help the rating community by commenting constructively on their work. Critique-only is not a closed community which does not interact with the rest at the PN. So I do not see a reason why PN administration is so reluctant to grant the forum what it deserves - a link placed at a reasonable location and a thumbnail view of recent posts.
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