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Image Comments posted by tomas_roztocil


    nice shot, to even improve it I would remove part of the bottom of the image (foreground) to get rid if the unnecessarily large dark area that does not bring much to the picture
  1. Great job, Michael, it has definitely a Dalinian look. I like very much the fluidity of the shapes you created. Just one small reservation: I think the arm supporting the body is too thick (looks more like a truck driver's arm) and as a consequence the image looses part of its feminity. .
  2. very nice. I think I would crop the bottom just below the little ponds to get rid of the lighter areas. I would also open half a stop: it looks a bit dark on my screen, and I have the impression you can have more intense greens, and see better the little house without losing the atmosphere of the picture


    Nice picture, nice atmosphere. I also would question the presence of the building on the left. With a slightly different angle maybe it would be possible to get rid of it but keep the light in?

    Mt. McKinley


    Nice, but unfortunately the foreground is way underexposed. I think you could have given the picture a bit more light (an extra half-stop? even more?), the sky would probably be able to cope with it an keep a nice blue color while the foreground would reveal details and color.

    Bracketing your shot would have given you the opportunity to choose the best exposure.


    the light is interesting, very nice actually. however, in terms of composition I am bothered by the presence of the largest pillar in the middle of the frame, and by its alignment/overlap with the small one in front. I would have tried to frame to large pillar on one side of the image, or maybe skipped it altogether.
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