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Posts posted by gene_dy

  1. Question:


    Most of the time, i am in a situation where the camera

    picks the 1/60 f2.8 setting and i want a greater depth

    of field of about f/4.0 or higher but if i selected the f/4.0

    setting the camera says that the pics will be underexposed.


    If i want to shoot in manual mode say at 1/60 shutter and

    f/4.0 aperture and the camera says that i am -2 EV lower

    than the standard metering it has. ( which means my picture will

    be underexposed ) can i just compensate by adding a +2 EV

    on the flash exposure compensation which means that i would

    increase the flash power by 2 EV to compensate for the

    undereposure that i have by using a small aperture.


    Is it possible to correct underexposure by increasing the

    flash power output by using the flash exposure compensation?

  2. I am an owner of an EOS 30V DATE ( us equivalent is Elan 7NE DATE )

    i am from philippines and from what i heard from Canon Europe the

    date model is only available in europe and asia not in US. The one

    peculiar thing is that Canon never sells here in Southeast Asia the

    non-date non-eye control EOS 33 ( Elan 7N ) which is cheaper. All we

    have here is the EOS 30V 25,000 pesos or EOS 30V DATE 27,000 pesos the date model is 2,000 pesos

    more expensive than the non-date version.

  3. I am shooting using an EOS 30V and 50mm f1.8 gear set in program AE

    1/60s @ f 2.8 setting with flash indoors. When the film was developed

    using a Fuji Frontier lab and a Fuji Crystal Archive paper the skin

    tones were reddish compared to the actual skin tone of my subject. What

    possible solution can i do to the reduce then reddish bias of the

    superia reala film. would setting the Superia Reala at ISO 80 reduce

    the reddish cast on the peoples skin?

  4. When i did a test shot on one subject, the Aperture Priority of the

    EOS 30V gave me a shutter speed of 1/6 seconds @ f/2.8 but when i set

    it to Program AE it gave me a shutter speed of 1/60 seconds @ f/2.8.

    Take note that the subject positon and lighting conditions of my test

    subject is the same for Aperture Priority and Program AE.

    My question is, why is it that the Program AE's shutter speed and

    aperture setting different from Aperture Priority mode exposure

    settings ? Which one of the two settings would give a properly exposed

    picture is it Aperture Priority or Program AE assuming they give me

    different shutter speed setting for the same aperture setting?

  5. mine seems to be fine. i actually manually turned the focus ring 8 times fully clockwise and fully clockwise while the lens is in AF MODE. Anyway, if this lens dies, i'm sure that that the Manual Focus

    would still be operational right?. I am just curious how many users out there got there lens damaged rotating a NON-FTM lens manually while it is in AF MODE such as the EF 50mm f1.8 mark 2 lens.

  6. ok, well i just hated the fact that the Canon did not include a brochure in the box of the lens that gives a warning or precautions

    that must be done on the lens. What i get in the box of the 50mm lens

    is just a WARRANTY CARD :-( no warnings about the manual focusing in AF Mode thing.

  7. Hi,

    I have a 50mm f1.8II lens and recently i accidentally fully rotated

    the manual focus ring while the switch of the lens is in AF MODE. The

    lens is not connected on the body of camera so it is not powered or

    turned on. I also noticed that even in AF mode the manual focus ring

    is not locked and can easily be rotated by a small amount of force.


    My question is could the 50mm f1.8II lens be damaged by rotating the

    manual focus ring while it is on AF Mode even if the lens is OFF or

    not operating ?

  8. I am asking this question coz the Rebel K2(EOS 3000V) and the

    Elan 7NE(EOS 30V) cameras here in Philippines does not seem to

    have a product seal tape on the box. I understand that in any

    electronic product, a seal which says "do not accept if the seal is

    broken" is always outside the box so that the consumer will know that

    it is brand new.


    Does the Canon camera bodies and kits in the US have a product seal

    tape which says "do not accept if the seal is broken". I was just

    concerned about this because the camera retailers here could be

    selling reconditioned units because of the lack of product seals?


    Does the camera kits from B&H, Adorama, etc. have product seals ?

  9. I was going to use a film SLR. I was worried about the 50mm f1.8 lens

    that I might get to close to the subject just to get a portrait photo with head to shoulders consistency. Of course if i get too close to the subject he/she might get annoyed. So I was asking how close should i be to get a decent portrait photo to the subject? how many feet/meters? What about if i want to shot a close up of the face/head only? how close should i be using only a 50mm lens? Thanks!

  10. How close should you be in your subject if you want to take a photo

    with Head to Shoulder consistency Portrait photograph using only an

    EF 50mm lens?


    I am still in a tight budget so I am considering a 50mm lens or a 28-

    105 lens. I am inclined to buy the 50mm because "picture quality" is

    a top priority however I am a bit discouraged because i don't know if

    the 50mm can take good portrait pics because you have to zoom with

    your feet.

  11. Yep I was talking about the camera version that has date imprinting and the version that has no date stamping.


    Out of curiousity, How many photographers use an SLR Camera with the Date Function and How many use the Non-Date Version?


    I read in the internet that it is better to buy the NON DATE version compared to the DATE version. Thanks for the reply

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