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Posts posted by pace_stanley

  1. Here are some more links. These should keep you busy and peak even more interest in the Minox 8x11 film format. The Minox C takes the same size film as all of the small Minox cameras from the Riga to the TLX. Have fun! :) (just use copy and paste for the below links)










    http://www.frugalphotographer.com/catBluefire.htm (I'm slitting and reloading this film)





  2. I know this tread is over a year old, but I will try what Martin suggested at my local Wal-Mart. After calling all the Pro Labs to see if they will process 110 film, they all said they no longer do 110 film. My local Wal-Mart said no problem. She took the 110 cartridge to the dark bag, cracked it open and rolled the film into a 16mm adapter (looks like a 35mm cartridge) and she said give her about an hour. Prints turned out great! (Pentax Auto 110 Super) I will add a post when I have tried the same thing with the 8x11 film rolled into my reloadable 35mm cartridge. I will also see if there is an 8mm adapter made for the Fuji Mini Labs, but if the 35mm re-roll will work, there is no need as she said the 16mm adapter costs about $60!


    Minox for life!



  3. That's a thought, but I don't know. I have a JOBO 1500 series, but no 8mm reel. I looked around on eBay and finally bought the Minox brand daylight tank I was looking for. The Minox tank had to be the 50 exp (not just 36 exp max) as well as had to be the newer 50 exp size that has the tapered grooves. The 1st generation Minox 50 exp tank had flat grooves which caused problems getting developer to flow properly behind the entire negative. Don't get me wrong. The original did work, it's just the tapered grooves on the newer spiral worked better. Then Minox discontinued the 50 exp tank (as well as 50 exp films! Boo Hiss). They went with the 36 exp tank and films, with a stop ring for 15 exp film. I really lucked out finding a 50 exp Minox tank with the tapered spiral and the 36 exp stop ring in mint condition.


    I now have only 2 Minox cameras. My prize is the Riga (No: 04046) which I use BlueFire Police B&W film, and the model "C" (Minox lens) which I use Kodak Portra 160NC. I've acquired at least a dozen "metal" film cassettes in which the original film was never exposed. I have an Enlarger II as well, though I've never used it yet. As somewhat of a newbie, I must crawl before I walk.


    Have fun with 8x11,



    PS: If you ever see a Minox daylight tank, you will really want to buy one! :)

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