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strawberry fields

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Image Comments posted by strawberry fields

  1. Hi Johnny, Very strong image indeed. I applaud you wanting to make a statement about child abuse. I'm a photographer of children and have done much documentary work so I can relate to what you're doing. HOWEVER, I can't help but feel that the child bound in the photo is also being abused....by YOU? Is this child crying because he/she is bound...and uncomfortable? In my opinion a photographer has to really questions his/her motives, and question if he/she is doing harm? Did you stop to think that this child suffered...and will always suffer...as a result of being involved in this photo?



    Hi Theo,

    Excellent image! Strong, direct, captivating! Very well cropped and printed. Love how you brought out the texture in the face! All the best, Peter


    Gorgeous photograph Valery. Nothing like natural light is there? My only comment is re: the dress which is a little over exposed. Although this is very difficult to control considering you did such a good job on face exposure.
  2. Hello Gerard, Your art is absolutely beautiful. Very spiritual, very scerene, very mystical! It captures a essence of something much bigger than what meets the eye...your work touches my heart.

    Peter (www.pbase.com/ppharnisch)


    Lovely portrait Ed. My my...it exudes so much. It's wonderful to see the work of a photographer who does not feel the need to show only the "happy/cheesy" side of life. You feel deeply and that shows. This young ladies eyes speak volumes of her world.



    Hello Stepanka,

    Beautiful piece! You have a strong sense of composition and design, and feeling!!! Looked through your other work and I feel the same about the other images. Am looking forward to seeing more.

    Cheers, Peter


    Pregnant Nude

    Lovily portrait Sean. Very well done!!! The image exudes a softness and tenderness. Love the expression also, you captured something about this beautiful woman that indicates that you made her very comfortable working with you. Posture, lighting, cropping etc are all, in my opinion, without fault. Can't wait to see more of your work! Cheers, P


    Gorgeous image! It leaves me speachless! A minor technical point...back up on the contrast a bit. This would perhaps open up the shadow areas. Keep up the beautiful work!


    I agree with Greg's comments completely. This image is simply put..."stunning"! Forget the technical mumojumbo. All too often us photographers get too caught up in all the technical stuff of our art. Although important, at some point we must drop it and use our knowledge as a simple tool. The bottom line is that you "nailed" this scene. Beautiful work!!!


    Gorgeous portrait. Very intense. You chose well with the shallow depth of field as her eyes/face leap out at me. Your cropping abover her breast very effective leaving me wanting to see more...but not... as I get drawn back to the face.

    Elves Forrest

    smells fresh and of lush forest scent. The green is sensuous. It is a place that I would love to sit and enjoy the moment. Congratulations on a wonderful image!!!
  3. Hi Brad. Firstly, your wife is absolutely lovily. The photo is good on technical merits...however...she looks bored. You have an incredible camera (10D). Work with it some more. Go back to the drawing board and reshoot her. Get her to talk about her favorite childhood memories, her most hated food, her favorite music. Have her describe in detail. Pull the emotion/passion out of her, and while she is talking, your camera should be firing. Take shots that "blow you/people away".

    Good luck, P

    The Hold

    This photo took by breath away. I am a professional photographer of children and rarely am I able to achieve this kind of moment! You captured the tenderness, the softness of the child, and the warmth. I can almost feel the warmth of the child body. Thank you for sharing!
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