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Dennis Peek

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Posts posted by Dennis Peek

  1. I have used a SunPak 622 with my Nikon F100. My 622 is an older model - a hot one - and

    requires an adpater that uses small battery. Don't know if they adapters are still made.

    Contact SunPak.

  2. Kodak was a prime supplier of archival media - primarily gold - until they got out of

    the business. I understand they licensed their technology from Mitsui. Check the

    following links for Kodak info on archival media:







    Or simply do a search on Kodak.com for archival CD. The NIST reference above is

    also excellence. Personal experience - I use Kodak and Mitsui gold. Failure rate -

    insignificant. The cheap stuff and store brands are unrelaible - failure rates as high

    as 1 in 3 on Imation for example.

  3. I had the same problem - started out with an LS-2000 Coolscan and a G4 dual 500

    running OS 9. All was well with the setup using NikonScan 3.1 until I tried going to

    OS X. Early OS X did not work well with SCSI. The Adaptec 2930 card and updated

    drivers and firmware helped.


    After SCSI updates, I found some success with VueScan and the LS-2000 under OS X

    but could never run the SF200 slide feeder. I then tried using a 2nd Wave Firewire to

    SCSI Converter (www.devdepot.com) and had some success with the LS-2000 but

    never with the SF200 feeder. NikonScan has never worked under OS X on the SCSI



    With OS 10.3, VueScan also quit working with the LS-2000 on either SCSI or the

    Firewire converter. I had some success intemittently. I found the only good solution

    was to launch the Mac into OS 9 (not Classic from within OS X - it will not work) and

    use NikonScan or VueScan.


    In fact, the LS-2000 broke (a part came loose internally, I got a comm error and it was

    no longer able to focus) while trying to use the SCSI to Firewire converter and VueScan

    under OS 10.3. I do not know what the cause of the failure was, software related or

    simply a coincidence, but the scanner repair is $275 from Nikon. I am hesitant to use

    these odd combinations again.

  4. My LS-2000 is dead and rather than spend $300 US to have Nikon repair it, I would

    rather purchase a new LS-5000 - better compatability with USB instead of SCSI and

    Nikon no longer supports the LS-2000 on anything except Mac OS 9. I found the

    same problem: LS-5000 and 50 not available in the US and LS-4000's were not

    available either. I contacted Nikon directly and expressed my concern: Nikon will lose

    sales if they do not get off their duff and release the products. A spokesman at Nikon

    said that shows were coming up in January and that is all he would say. Suggest you

    try a call to Nikon in New York - may help advance things.

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