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Posts posted by loft

  1. I am born in 1946.

    And I have - I think - the same luggage as you have.

    Also family : indeed younger.


    The difference between you and me is not our age ., thats the same.

    The differerence is our culture and background and the way we'r looking and standing at this world.My luggage is my real tressure and capital and I am not born in the USA.



    Take a look at my albums please and you know who I am.

    And ...if I could write in Englisch ,I would write much more but Englisch is much to difficult for me.

    Kind regards from Portugal.,Loft

  2. Dear Calico., maybe you where missing my point : my problem with your comment was and still is only part 1 of your comment : soft Porn......

    I cant believe that people in 2004 have problems with these type of photo's.Thats all.


    Again with love and respect., Portugal, July ,12 - 2004

  3. To Keith Laban.,


    I am not a financial specialist but....If you'r looking to the facts & figures here on this site and the total vieuws per day etc. , I think this site is (also) financial the biggest photo-sucses ever.

    So I think priority number one (1) is now to invest in better communication with us., the members of this site.The members are the real CAPITAL here!!!!!!



    Kind regards from a sunny Portugal.,Loft

  4. In the last copple of days , PN was changing a lot.They changed like

    a hurricane but...only the (end) result counts and I like to thank

    the PN-organisation for all the changes.Its more and more a

    professional site. So : my congrats to PN !!!




    Just 2 more changes and I am fully happy :

    1) start a campaing for better communication with the members

    ( ones a week a sort of mailing with news and highlights )

    Now its often just one-way-traffic.More and active participating

    with members is very important.A weekly mailing could be a nice


    2) try to find members?? with more than 1-account who are using and

    abusing the rating-system

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