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Posts posted by thomas_breazeale1

  1. Bob...your absolutly right about abuse@photo.net,it was 4am when I noticed and was too hot to think straight,next time for sure!


    Lannie,thanks and yes the guy had to have had problem to think he could get away with it.He was doing well with it..20 rates with average of about 6.25/6.30...much higher than mine ha,ha!

  2. Dear Brian,there is a photo taken by Thomas Pritchard in the TRP

    called Devils Backbone and the background sky has been stolen from

    my image called 'Wonder Skies'!Please check out MY FAVORITE IMAGES

    folder....can I hang this man now?

  3. I have been in and out of PN for the past few years and can honestly say it has been a growing experiance to watch and learn.I have pretty much given up trying to put anything up for critique anymore because the chances of me getting any feedback of substance is nil.There are the exceptions though and you know who you are and are much appreciated.Case in point...Over the last few days I have commented on over twenty images,most in depth,but have not recieved any constructive words on any of my work,this is frustrating to me and because of this I have deleted my portfolios completely more than once.The saddest thing for me is that I have been trying to expand into other genres(some contain nudity)but most of the photographers who I respect simply do not critique these images for whatevr reasons they may have..at this rate I ask myself why continue?I would love to get involved in some of the new suggestions mentioned above and would support in any way I was asked.I just want good constructive fedback,no matter what genre I participate in,and could care less about the ratings thing.Marc,Carl,Chris,Vincent,Kim.Bailey...anyone?Sign me up please!!
  4. I have noticed over the past few months that my film back for my 205

    has some slight movement in it when mated to the camera.It fits

    flush but the lack of a tight fit bothers me.Can this be adjusted or

    should I not worry about it.So far there are no light leaks.

  5. If you are using the spot meter mode in your camera(does it have one?)then meter off a medium tone when using your slide film.If you meter off the highlites then you will be underexposed and vice versa.If you were using the center weighted mode then you will probably be ok unless the majority of your average metering was on areas such as bright skies.

    I have done many Helo shoots using Provia with good results...but always in the spot meter mode.It is more contrasty but the grain and color density more than make up for this IMO.I would strongly suggest as others have said to get a good scan then print digitally..it will blow away internegs hands down.

  6. I have a Nikon 8000 film scanner that is on the blink now.Today I

    tried scanning a 6x6 image in the super fine mode and when the image

    is 99 percent scanned the computer locks up.I have to shut down the

    unit to get going again.The image is transferred to my files but is

    unreadable in the sense that it is nothing but lines.Any help here

    folks?If this is the wrong forum please steer me the right way.

  7. I have a 205FCC and am going to assume that the electronics are basically the same as the 203 so if I am wrong please let me know.I use CF,CFI and the CFE lenses and the only disadvantage using the older glass is that the aperture setting does not show up on the viewing panel...hardly a negative in my opinion.As long as you set your aperture where you desire the camera metering system computes a compatible shutter speed for you.As long as you have a basic understanding of aperture/shutterspeed relationships you cannot go wrong.
  8. I have done a lot of business with the Cameron Photo people in the same area.Once you get to know them and you know what you are looking for there are good deals to be had.I returned a defective 501 and they replaced it with a new one with no questions asked the same day.Aside from this,I have bought 3 hassy bodies and 4 lenses over the years with complete satisfaction.I remember one time I was planning a trip to HK from the Philippines so I called them up and asked them if they could get some Provia and a few other items that they normally do not stock for customers.When I arrived ALL the items were in a box waiting for me along with a cheerful ,'hello Tom'!Good people IMO.
  9. You are correct in your assumption that an 80mm will probably give you better results than say a 150 unless you can hold your lens absolutly still.I shoot from helicopters,use my 80mm at 5.6 with good sharp results.The longer the focal lenght,the smaller area you are zeroing in on so the slightest movement is much more noticable.Be careful of wide angles though because of the distortion factor,especially on horizon lines.
  10. Hello Diego,I own a 205 that I use CF lenses with all the time and I might be mistaken but I think the metering works in the same way.I set my aperture first then the camera does the rest showing you the shutter speed in the lighted viewing box.If you have programmed bracketing or other items into your exposure then it wil also tell you these as opposed to the actual setting.In the manual mode,after you have set the aperture and pushed the metering button the viewing screen will show a plus or minus number that you can choose to zero out which will give you the recommended exposure value or instead of zeroing you can go + or - one third stop either way or as many stops as you want.


    Make sure you set your CF lenses to the F setting before mounting.There is no difference in quality using the CF's or the CFE's Diego,both are outstanding.

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