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a long time ago

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Posts posted by a long time ago

  1. i'm with KL. I've seen service techs. drag in 300 lbs of stuff in a hard case and a folding dollie. I know it doesn't sound much like hiking gear but if the case is a good one and the dollie has decent wheels you can run them down with a truck (I've seen it) and not hurt the stuff inside. manhandling it over a few hills and dales can't be any worse. Some test eq. rivals photo gear in price and fragility. Remember the samsonite commercial and the monkey? do a google search for "Jensen or Jenson" tools/test eq.
  2. this really bumbs me out i'm not getting the chance to put in files...i worked up a marvy presentation with slides kids...guess i'll try later thanks. maybe they wrote in some extra code to kill any d vs. a threads later
  3. Got up this morning (last day of vacation).said to myself ...maybe some still life...f22/20 sec. No

    flash....av mode, 300d with my 50/1.8 at the helm with +1exp.comp to try and bring out the dark details.. center

    weighted meter....exp. ok but the white box acted as a reflector to the fluoresent room light and

    made the old blanket the subject. Poor color in shadows whites washed out..

  4. I'm sure there are a million perfect answer's to this

    question,,,,,here's mine. If you're an aging

    boomer with a couple bucks from a long summer of overtime and 2

    weeks vacation in a use it or

    loose it situation. And all you have ever wanted in your photography

    world is a couple 8x10's

    to put on the wall. YES.....You can't do it fast enough!!..because

    it's THE tool that has been

    missing from your closet that just may make it possible. The tool

    is "instanisity feedbackerous" (I

    made that up). You take a few snaps load ?em up ,,check ?em

    out ...tell yourself "you putz" and

    go take some more...but unlike before ,,you don't have to wait for

    the walgreens girl to lie to you

    about 1 hour, charge you 7 bucks, and use her auto exp. comp to hand

    you back a package of

    same old same old. And if there is one good shot, chances are I

    won't remember what I did

    anyway. Because I'm tired from work and I never have been much of a

    note taker any

    way....... sorry about all the bandwidth in advance..I'd tell my

    wife but she would just roll her

    eye's and wonder to herself "when is this fool going back to

    work".... here's the story.

  5. also....when considering future growth "floating slab " buildings cannot be added on to.The slab must be seamless pour unless supported by frost pilings if your in such an area(national building code sort of place). If you plan on adding on later you need to put in the entire piece of concreat at the beginning and just leave the extra floor sticking out as a kind of a patio.
  6. "You guys draw up dream studio plans??? Now I don't feel so weird about spending my evenings with graph paper drawing my dream house plans--plans that will never materialize."....i got a worse one, i sit around daydreaming of how i would cut holes in the roof of my van and add invertors and banks of batteries for shootings bald eagles at the dam in winter...all the while my poor wife has been begging me for 3 monthes to replace the trim around the back door where you can see right through to the garage
  7. http://www.logisysus.com/.........same thing went through my mind but the issue is resolution of a device like this...800x600 or less. Solved my problem by talking my daughter in law out of her laptop.It had a pretty small HDD and only 128 meg of ram which slowed her down on computing. But has the high resolution video that i hope when used with the zoom browser sw that came with the camera will make a good instant replay device when out shooting eagles this winter.Gave her 300 bucks which is more than 1/2 the price of a new desk top that will be much better for her to use at home. she's happy..i'm happy........GO DIGI...
  8. been to hacklbarney 3 times this week....no real preferance on direction...just looking for someplace to take a little drive, shoot a few pics without having to drag mamma through too many brambles. she deserves a break too and it ain't fair to ask her to wander through back country when what she really likes is a good book and a nice meal
  9. so.... i got me a new 300d and need a road trip...suggestions for a

    maybe 3 day trip staring from where I-80 crosses the

    mississippi...that's the spot we like to call the quad-cities usa.

    (don't know why there are 6 cities that all claim to be one of

    the "quad"). got some vacation time i got to use by oct 15 or give

    it back. and we know that ain't gonna happen.

  10. 480v three phase ...put me right on my butt....funny thing is i reached right back in the same spot and did it again..yup same thing same butt...this time my arm was "kindda fuzzy" for several hours....whats even better is to get a screw driver phase to phase on a terminal board talk about watt/seconds the red ball doesn't go away for about 15 minutes
  11. as stated above the problem is not a free america and how we may chose to endanger ourselves. it's the poor rescuer that has to risk his life to save those that care to be bitten,lost,sunburnt,drowned etc.,,,without taking the proper steps in trying to do no harm to anyone (including the poor stiff whoes job it is to save our skins) in our quest for freedom
  12. didn't know what you meant by a "bog" i was talking about my 300d just as an example of the power these little 110 adapters take to charge batteries, the 110v invertor suggestion was to run the 110v charger that comes with the device.your right I didn't really picture the little usb device sucking the cars battery up into the wires and the user coming back to a flaming mass of autombile laying next to a humming computer hard drive. My exsperience is with machine tools and I've seen a melted mass of plastic goo from an operator who asked the machine to do more than it had the power to do. The machine will do it's damndest to make it happen with no regard for it's self. I just allways try to remind people to check the numbers on stuff electrical. because some devices don't have the internal protection (left out by the maker as a cost savings)..I meant no disrespect with my talk of "burning" something up. I just try to do no harm when I make suggestions.. like "just get an invertor". I learned this from raising 3 kids. you got be carfull of what you say or do. Like the time I told my son how to hook up a stereo in his car not knowing he had about 2000 watts of amplifier in the damn thing. He ran it with the car turned off without proper overload protection and let me tell you there was a case of "opps looks like you let the smoke out boy" if I ever seen one. In any case I'm sure you are prob'ly right about the car handling the drive. never had one of these drives in my hand. if it is 12vdc a little nerve and some wire and you could hook it right up to the ciggy lighter for many hours of downloading fun...peace ...just trying to be helpfull
  13. never been to pa. but ..raptors in general are making a come back in many areas partly due to the ban on ddt. here in illinois i never saw an eagle untill i was 40 now i see them by the dozens maybe even 50 or 60 in the right conditions, the right conditions being cold as heck with the lakes and small rivers frozen over. so when it gets cold as hell in PA find yourself a major river that mostly freezes except under damns and hang out early just after sun up.If there's any birds that feed mostly on fish (bald,golden eagles) they will be there just hanging out in the tree's making the occasional trip down to the water for fish...lots of luck
  14. not trying to start a pissin' match here but low voltage burns stuff up due to ohms law..less voltage means more current,, high current = heat,,, that's why your toaster and your hair dryer running at the same time pops the breaker in the kitchen..a car battery turns over a several liter engine because it has an extreamly gear reduced starter motor capable of handling very high current rushes. If your out in the desert you don't want to burn up your car any more than your eMagic drive.The battery charger on my little 7.4 volt battery that runs my 300d pulls 3 amps/110 volts ac, thats a fair draw on a car battery (only 12 volts having to make up the rest of the voltage through current) thats not being charged by the cars alternator at the same time. Just trying to suggest that we check the facts before we engineer a problem for someone.
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